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(1 edit) (+1)

I want to preface this by saying, I am not trying to hate. My intention is to give thoughtful, honest feedback so that every story I rate has something the author can walk away from and both appreciate and work on. If I sound rude that is entirely accidental, I'm only intending to give helpful, honest criticisms and praises.

The concepts are really solid. I can really understand both characters well, and believe in their team up, something most "unlikely allies" stories sometimes struggle with. Well done! Unfortunately, the grammar is really lacking. A few more proofreads would've really helped this story shine. That could be a result of the time constraint, which is understandable. I try to be honest in these reviews though, as I feel it's the only way authors can improve. Still, great story with great characters. I look forward to more adventures with Parvault and Acton.