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Hello! Nice game, although I don't know if I got very far, I would say I enjoyed playing your entry. The first thing I noticed was that the game kept crashing every time I touched an enemy, but hey, I guess that's one way to do a death mechanic. I also thought the dialogue was pretty fun and I enjoyed the section where you have to climb the wall using the bubble and the rock, although I didn't find if there was any other use for it.

 I also got softlocked a couple of times at the bottom of the map(?) where the only way forward was through a tight corridor with an enemy and some spikes in the ceiling, and my jump was not high enough to get out of there, so the only way out was death.

A couple of other critiques I would have are that I really did not have any idea where I was supposed to go in the game, so some direction in that would be great and although the controls felt pretty good otherwise, jumping out of water felt pretty clunky and the jumping and gravity are a bit too fast for my liking when you are out of water. A minor nitpick I also have is that the sound in the section with lots of bubbles can get quite loud.

Regardless, the game was fun enough for me to keep trying after a couple of deaths and I thought the pixel art and animations were good and the double-oxygen meter mechanic was unique and has potential if expanded upon. Maybe it could work if the gameplay was more different when out of water versus in water?

Anyways, nice entry!


Hiiii!! Thanks a lot for your feedback we will definitely consider all the things you said for a future entry.  Rocks were placed in very specific locations for 2 purposes, one of them after a lot of feedback more noticeable than the other. First, to jump with the bubble and reach higher platforms, and second to crash some enemies. There was a rock in that corridor that you mentioned that could be used to remove the enemy and pass freely, but now I notice that it was not that obvious so we will put more indications to help future players know what to do in that kind of situations. Also about the bubbles, music and sfx were our last aditions to the game, and due to an error we lost a full day of progress at the endo so we had to redo a lot of things really fast. We learned from that mistake and for future entries we take more backups and prioritize music, we will reduce the noise of the bubbles and solve the crash issue with the enemy that is also caused by a sfx issue. 
Also I have to say that I have played The Last Revenant and it has been a pleasant experience to navigate your map, but I have no idea how to deal with the boss haha.


That's how it usually goes, a mechanic you think is pretty obvious and then you realize that "Hmm, this is actually incredibly cryptic, how is anyone actually supposed to figure this out" haha. I guess that also happened with the boss in our game. If you are still interested in playing, you are supposed to guide the large missiles it shoots out to the large things above the boss to make them fall on it until it dies :)