You (as a publisher) can only select 10 tags for a project.
Did I write somewhere that I am a publisher? I am a user who is not satisfied with the current tagging system.
Okay, let's say I was a publisher. And what does this change? Do you want to say that if instead of the “3D” tag, there are two tags “3D game” and “3DCG”, will this somehow negatively affect publishers? Nothing like this. Now, regardless of the description of the 3D tag, publishers add it to themselves to attract attention. If instead of one tag there are two, publishers will set themselves one of the tags, the one that suits them best.
(3) That is a matter of opinion in most cases, including "3d".
What opinion are you talking about? On the website, the 3D tag has a specific description, which narrows all variations of this term to a more specific one. If the site didn’t have a description of the tags, it wouldn’t matter. But there is a description
(4) Feel free to click the link below the tag description that reads "Suggest updated description".
And what will this change? If I offer my description, will all game developers listen to the change and correct their tags? I doubt
(5) About what? People having different opinions than you about what constitutes correct usage of tag 3d?
Then answer a simple question. Why was the language invented? Speech. Words. Why is all this necessary if people are not able to understand each other because no one uses dictionaries and the same word has a different meaning for each person? Why do we use words at all if we cannot understand their meaning? Replace tags with pictures and nothing will change. Let's communicate like primitive people with cave paintings.
That’s why words are needed to exchange specific meanings. if I say "sea". So I mean the sea. A sea is a large body of salty water. There is a word and there is a specific meaning of this word. The same goes for tags. What does the "first person" tag mean? Does this tag have multiple different meanings? Does everyone understand it differently? Or does the tag have one meaning in the context of games? Likewise, the 3D tag should have one meaning so as not to confuse people, otherwise the tag is useless. We use tags to narrow down the search and not to confuse it.
But no one uses the second one.
Nobody uses it? And what's that? Enough mentions
Oh, and according to your logic, all the 170 games in that list would be unsuccessfull because of their usage of that tag.
What does this have to do with the “unsuccessfull” game and the use of one unsuccessful tag in it? If the game only had these unpopular tags and an unattractive name, then obviously the game itself would be unpopular. But these games also have other, more popular tags, tagged 16-bit (6,145 results), Platformer (128,458 results)
You need to actually read the answers. The method to do tag exclusion, is talked about in several threads.
Do you know what it's called on the Internet? This is called "sending in rough form". Instead of answering how to do something, you send me to look for how to do it. Why did you even come to this topic then? This is a universal answer to any question. A person comes to the forum, asks for something, and they answer him - go and look for it yourself. GREAT! This is the most useless and, moreover, offensive message. Or maybe the tag exclusion method is so complex that you don't understand it yourself? Then everything is clear. If you yourself are technically illiterate, then don’t try to teach others.