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(1 edit) (+1)

oooh that sounds useful! nice to hear about these updates. For NPC customization, im more thinking of applying say the appearance changing to the randomly generated NPCs, since NPC archetypes can already be customized, but ig that can also be fixed by having more NPCs be added.

Question about some of the current NPCs: is getting with the Awkward Coworker locked behind further quest or scene progression? their lust and romance stats are above halfway rn, but I haven't been getting any prompts to take it further after dates, unlike with the Classroom Admirer. Also, only stumbled into the RA completely by chance while playing games in the lounge, are there plans to open them up to interaction atm?


I think they might be locked until after the QuickieBurger plotline plays out? I've been moving away from locking off interactions (it mostly just confuses and annoys people) so I'll take another look at that after 0.4 is out.

The RA doesn't currently have any content but will definitely show up more when I do the crime and punishment update, if not before.