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A member registered May 25, 2021

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I kept track of some of them in my comment: there's also the Arcade Denizen (unlocked after discovering side bets), the ambitious/star swimmer in the Swimming team, and the Swim coach that I've found so far, also the various professors. The Resident Advisor I only found through playing video games with my dormmates and it doesn't look like there's a storyline currently attached to them.

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oooh that sounds useful! nice to hear about these updates. For NPC customization, im more thinking of applying say the appearance changing to the randomly generated NPCs, since NPC archetypes can already be customized, but ig that can also be fixed by having more NPCs be added.

Question about some of the current NPCs: is getting with the Awkward Coworker locked behind further quest or scene progression? their lust and romance stats are above halfway rn, but I haven't been getting any prompts to take it further after dates, unlike with the Classroom Admirer. Also, only stumbled into the RA completely by chance while playing games in the lounge, are there plans to open them up to interaction atm?

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interested in seeing this develop further, hooked on whats here so far. currently in 0.3.19, what are the NPC archetypes that the PC can interact with? As a male PC, I've found the Best Friend, QuickieBurger Organizer (really want to see the pay off to their questline), Awkward QuickieBurger Coworker, Roommate's Partner, Classroom Admirer, Classroom Harasser, Resident Advisor, and Arcade Denizen, wanna know if there are others I might be missing.

It seems so far that working at Summit Market seems to be an afterthought, with PCs encouraged to work at QuickieBurger, which I'm alright with, altho I thought there might also have been an NPC archetype working there.

Also, any plans to expand NPC customization to allow changing their traits and/or name in mid-game? I'd be a fan of such a feature.