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(2 edits)

I am happy to hear that you had fun with it^^

And it seems you played through it very thoroughly as well! Also I absolutely can understand that, pretty much all furry or tf focused games are pretty degenerate or at least very nsfw which I am also not a big fan of. I do think tf games have potential to be much more than just some degenerate stuff!

-Since mouse forms play style is pretty luck based I never was sure if it was too overpowered but thanks for the feedback. I will decrease the accuracy of the accuracy down debuffs and give more enemys a stun ressitance and some immunity like bosses. And then see how it will play then. And if needed make more changes.
At least none for the demo, I do plan to add them in for those two magic types as well.

-Yeah I definitely get what you mean, I think. A lot of the dialogue is more short and tight and strongly focus to advance the plot and not give the characters much time to show more of their personality. At least I think that is the problem. Unfortunately I am not good at putting the ideas I have for dialogue in nice sounding sentences. And english isn't my native language which probably doesn't help. Writing isn't my strongsuit but I defintiely try to improve on it.
Rewriting the dialogue isn't a difficult task, time wise at least compared to making other stuff and I do revisited some dialogues in the past and changed them to flow better.
If you have any tips what could be changed to improve it i love to hear suggestions^^

-Yeah I can absolutely see that reason. I tried as best to not spoil anything since I also don't like spoilers but I didn't even thought about that. Thanks for telling me. I will changed the names to make them not spoil anything!

-It's a leftover since Nana original had another battle sprite that I scraped and redrawn into the current one. Making facial expressions for each sprite takes long so i just left the original face sets instead of redoing them as well. Might changes that later as well.

-Yeah I made them this  big on purpose so I can later fill them with more stuff for future tf's field abilities so  they do appear a little bit empty right now in the demo. But that is a thing that should fix itself over time once more quest and tf's are in the game
Also that actually is a pretty good point never thougth of that xD
I will change the road as well.

-Yeah you are absolutely right and I would love too but I didn't manage to come up with a way to prevent that yet. It's hard to do something about savescumming since it is pretty impossible for the game to tell if a player reloaded a safe.
Also nice job on finding the secret area!

-That also is a very good point. I think I already have an idea to fix that. Once the player bought it, he get shown a picture of the location, giving them a clue where the location is and how does it looks.

-Actually there is already a feature programmed in that does exactly what you described. I just haven't included it in the demo since I still was thinking where and how I want to put it in. But I defintiely plan on adding such a feature. I am just not sure about the details on how to make it. I also was thinking if I want to tie it to a tf form but wasn't sure. Maybe it will be a buyable/reward key item that is just permanently active once you got it.

-I do like the idea of a rank system but there would be not an easy way to display a players rank in the main menu so I went with numbers instead. But I could add a text messages that gets shown once new guild quests are available. This is very possible but might b a bit immersion breaking maybe, don't know?

Nope you didn't missed anything. I planed for another way to access the nothern part of town but it isn't in the demo. I think it can't hurt to put the quest a bit back to make it unlock later.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed your time with it and thanks for the kind words^^
And also thanks a lot for the detailed feedback, this definritely helps a lot in making it even better in the future!


I just remembered a point I forgot to bring up!
I was thinking about the biggest victim of the varying balance for each form (Looking at you, Mouse), which while very cute, my Squirrel form was only level 3 when I challenged its demon.

The demon bosses - These kind of ultimate fights were, to my playthrough, not a culmination of what Nana had learned on how to fight with each form, but a showcase that all the party members needed from Nana were that she used her unique skill to make the demon susceptible to their attacks for only and precisely 5 turns.
I was rocking Lima and Serina because they're the cute members.
Back on topic - Because the reward is further 'mastery' of the form you're locked into using for the fight, I would've liked for the fights to focus on the player having mastered their play with each form. My simplest suggestion to achieve this would be to make them solo fights, however that can be explained story-wise.

Kitsune has no demon in the demo, right?

I understand what you mean. It's true that the demon bosses arent tailored specific for the form they need to be fought with. That is something I will keep in mind and change. Thanks for pointing it out.

It certainly would be possbile to make them solo fight.

Yes that is right, kitsune form has no demon to fight in the demo.

(1 edit) (+1)

"I do like the idea of a rank system but there would be not an easy way to display a players rank in the main menu so I went with numbers instead. But I could add a text messages that gets shown once new guild quests are available. This is very possible but might b a bit immersion breaking maybe, don't know?"

Maybe there some device that connects adventurers with the guild, even allowing to check for quests in the middle of nowhere?

That is an pretty nice idea, thanks^^

I will add some extra dialogue when registering at the guild.