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Hi! I appreciate you looking out. Thank you!

I checked that box five days ago though, and haven't seen that error in my browser since. I'll start testing in other browsers on my end and will see if I can troubleshoot. 

Which browser are you using so I can test it specifically as well?

(2 edits)

Thanks for looking into it!

I'm using Firefox 121.0 (x64) on Win10 :)

Edit: I tried again on Chrome and it loads there, but I can't move the cart - no idea why my browsers broke =/


When testing Chrome, I had to click inside the game canvas thing to control it. 

Note also, so far I have it working in Firefox 118 (64-bit) on Win 11
(though it locks for almost three seconds after the loading bar finishes)
and will update Firefox to check that next.

I can confirm the Chrome works after clicking the canvas. Thanks for checking!

As for the game - I like how the recipe is randomized each time, and - most importantly - that you can stop traffic by running into cars! ^_^