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A member registered Dec 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! I agree with you 100% - there's a lot more work to be done on this project :)

We'll only be able to push updates after the voting period ends, unfortunately.


Thanks for playing and for your kind feedback, Harvey!

Yeah, the aim point location sucks, sadly :(
We'll try and fix it when the voting is over ^_^

Yep! Getting stuck in walls, colliders glitching through - all the fun stuff in one engine ^_^

I hope you had fun with our game nonetheless :)

Cool idea! 

I think the button "U" for upgrades is a bit hard to reach (and you need the mouse to click the upgrade...)

I really like the core concept - shoot stuff, get money, get upgrades and shoot some more!

Cute graphics, cute sounds!

I found the physics a bit hard to work with - very high gravity and fast movement.
Sooo... I just need to try really hard and git gud, right? xD

Well done!

Thanks for your review, lexie_t!

I'm glad you liked our concept and the char reactions :)

I agree with you in all points, especially on the hitbox part - I think everyone on the team had a different idea about how the player collider should work, and how visible it should be. A smaller and more visible hitbox would allow for more precise (and deliberate) maneuvers through such dense patterns - but I lost the vote :P

A bit more time - especially on the first level (well... there only is one so far^^) - would definitely help and ease some of the pressure!


Hi stiggzz22! Thanks for your review and compliments :)

Thanks for the tip, I didn't realize there was a pattern behind the behaviour!

"Hey guys, let's clean this place!" - "Nah. I got better things to do!"


The idea is fun, but the controls were frustrating me a bit... sometimes I was standing right on top of something, yet couldn't pick it up, at other times, the pop ups were persistent and blocked my view.

I didn't quite win the game, but I managed to remove quite a few shirts and bottles nonetheless!

Nice entry!

The cheats showed 4 - seems like I found them all :) Thanks!

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I love the low-gravity wall jumps! The colliders that trigger the wall jumps sometimes caught me off guard (e.g. I was wall jumping when I actually wanted to jump up vertically)

I couldn't figure out where to go in Level 3, I assume one needs to walk over the top to get to the far right, but every direction felt like it's the wrong way.

Nice entry!

(Edit: Found it! GG :) )

Nice game, I loved the graphics and the rising pitch as you cleared wave after wave ^_^

It won't let me post the screenshot, but the game says "Final Score: 35226, Fed: 233, 119 secs"


Wow, that's a lot of games all in one!

I liked how the lights fall off as they are turned off completely

A few of the games repeated a lot, not sure if I even saw them all, bc I didn't know how many there were. ^_^

Nice entry!

Whoops, I accidentially put the comment on the game page instead - great work :)

Awesome - an easy to play, and a nice walking simulator. The game felt really polished, from dialogue to music and level / puzzle design!

My pleasure, thanks for sharing your game!

Nice pixel art intro / shading on the character.

I have no idea what to do, and what the shop button does, etc.

What I did like was how diving deeper made the screen darker :P

I largely agree with 3 AM Games here - love the player animation and the drawing style.

I think the buildings are scaled and should maybe use a point filter to not appear blurry at the edges (just an idea)

Also some more colliders would be nice to not walk "though" buildings, I find.

The countdown seems a bit bugged; I let it run out, and it restarted from 60 seconds ^_^

Still, it's a nice little jam game, and I love how you used the theme!

Thanks for your review and feedback, stadam! 

Invul-frames are actually on the TODO list, but we ran out of time and never implemented them ^_^

Wow, the game is hard! I did remove my curse though :)

I love the idea of messing with physics, but wow, the movement is fast...

Favorite tech: first float power, then punch and jump on their head :P

I think a speedrun timer would be great, because there are so many potential shortcuts - especially on the last level :)

Nice level and music progression. The leitmotif was great, and the instrumentation kept evolving. I think this is my favorite music of the entire jam so far :)

I don't quite know if collecting more of the hourglasses would later give you more time to escape, but I assume that'd be the case. Not sure if all of them are actually collectible (I couldn't grab the one to the bottom left of the "GOTTEM" pit, it was too high up, and I didn't see any box or so to jump up)

Nice sprites, loved the different area designs :) There's a minor bug in the char animation though: when walking right, there's some pixel from another part of the spritesheet bleeding in.

Cool submission, well done!

I can confirm the Chrome works after clicking the canvas. Thanks for checking!

As for the game - I like how the recipe is randomized each time, and - most importantly - that you can stop traffic by running into cars! ^_^

Hey there 3 AM Games, thanks for your comment!

Glad you enjoyed the aesthetics - and while I'm glad the game posed a challenge, I hope it was still enjoyable ^_^


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Thanks for looking into it!

I'm using Firefox 121.0 (x64) on Win10 :)

Edit: I tried again on Chrome and it loads there, but I can't move the cart - no idea why my browsers broke =/

The mechanics were easy to grasp, and the pixels were cute :)

I think the difficulty could be increased a bit over time, otherwise you can go on forever without any real goal.

Cool jam game!

Oh no, the parachute! ^^

Nice pixel-aesthetics! I really liked the various balloon effects - even if they were quite "simple", they did spice up the gameplay :)

Hi there, my browser shows an error that Cross Origin Isolation and SharedArrayBuffer aren't set up correctly.

There should be a checkbox at the bottom of the upload dashboard that might need enabling :)

"SharedArrayBuffer support(Experimental) " - this fixed it for our Godot game, it might help yours, too.


Hiya, thanks for your feedback!

You're right, we don't normalize speed based on directions, so you'll get a x*sqrt(2) boost in speed when going diagonally. Good catch ^_^

I see! Thanks a lot for your explanation :)

This is... unique *sweat smile*. The graphics are cool, I like how the health bar integrates with the environment, and the blood particles are a "nice" touch.

The jungle drum music was fun, too^^

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The NES-aesthetics are amazing! Took me a while to figure out to pogo, and these bubble jumps are really hard to pull off sometimes :)

I like the level progression, where you learn the mechanics first, and then you need to master them to succeed later.

Compliments on the graphics once more - everything from the flashy title screen to the animations in game... great work!

Edit: I'm not sure if it's intentional, but the background music seems to be stereo, and "moves" between the ears, as you move around the map.

Thank you, Jarp ^_^

Hi Chufty, thanks for your feedback!

There were two control scripts we made "W = ship flies facing forward" and "W = move up on the screen". Seems like we kept the less intuitive one - I hope we'll find the time to fix it post-mortem, or maybe provide the player with a choice :)


The title screen is great, it reminds me a lot of retro games. Nice contrast.

I struggled a bit with the movement (it seems to use different speeds each time) and hit the walls often - but I eventually "learned" the level and climbed higher :)

I believe this is one of the "largest" games in this jam. Lots of things to do, and quite a few mechanics!

It would be helpful to explain, how healing, grenades and ammo works - I think it uses money to craft, but I'm not sure.

Nice graphics, too, I can see why you're creating asset packs!

It might not be the best pixel art, but it really does look like you made it yourself. It looks like hand-drawn animation, which I'd consider a bold move.

I think the player can never be hit when hiding on the top of the screen (or I just got lucky).

Thank you @gamerstudios for hosting this jam! Thanks to all participants for creating new games for us to enjoy :)

I have two pieces of feedback for the jam organization ^_^

1) It would be great to state in the rules that uploading a .zip File is undesirable, and which compression formats you expect instead.
2) There's a typo in one of the voting parameters. It says "uniqeness", but should be "uniqueness".

It's been a lot of fun to build a team, and we had a great time making games together during the jam - and now there's a ton of new games, ready to be played!


Awesome voice acting, great music, and stunning visuals. Way to go, all of you!

Not sure if there's more than 3 endings, but I've explored quite a few alternate routes, and have yet to find a happy one. Embrace the Light!

Thanks a lot for your kind feedback, Harvey :)
I can assure you that the team is proud and happy with how far we got - and we all hope to continue this project!

You can also rotate the shapes with the "Q" and "E" keys :)