Hi Natalia
the Engine replaced all special characters with their normalized version and LOWERED it:
For instance:
In the pattern you must use the simplified version for recognition (no accents, no upper words ecc):
pattern: `caeu`
In the labels, descriptions, answers ecc.. you can use what you want.
check the simplified string in the browser console log.
All special keys now shouldn't appear (DEAD/META/UNDEFINED ecc..) If I missed one please tell me.
The file loaded into the game is 18n.js so that's the file you should edit.
In the 1.1 version of AnC i18n.js is a copy of the en-en.i18n.js file, the unofficial english version.
For instance, The engine file shouldn't be touched. You can edit, in case, AvventuraNelCastello.js if you want, for example, to change the labirynth behaviour... but IMHO it's really hard work. All the misssing parts should be in the i18n.js file now.