Oh, yeah, I was using tailwind the entire time (I discovered that ability by accident), but didn't have the firepower to kill them before they killed me until I remembered that consumables were a thing.
For the Ogre Commander, I've always been attacking it from behind, but even when he misses multiple times I lack the firepower to bring him down before he brings me down. I generally start off with Heat Up, Fire on the goblin, Attack non-commander ogre (with heat up and the tactical boost this one-shots him), then try to deal with the Commander. Problem is, he has at least several hundred hit points, and I'm basically done if he manages to connect a hit after my DEF is lowered. I MIGHT be able to make it work if I use the weapon coating, if that boosts me enough to not need to spend a turn on Heat Up to take out the ogre in one hit.