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Noob question and comments so far

A topic by Typical_Name created Dec 24, 2023 Views: 20,171 Replies: 94
Viewing posts 1 to 24

Just picked this up today.  I'm liking the premise, but... for FUCK's sake, why does it have to take place in a high school?!  Even if all the characters are of legal age, "barely legal" is a bit too bare for my tastes.  I would have enjoyed this a lot more if the characters were in their mid-20s and going to a university or something.  As it stands, even though I initially came to this game because of my brainwashing fetish, I now feel obligated to protect this nice girl's innocence at all costs (that IS possible, right?).

For my noob question... so I'm insane and trying to play on Nightmare difficulty, which is requiring some trial and error.  For some reason, the controls to bring up the loading screen don't work mid-combat, so whenever I want to reload as a result of a bad combat encounter (ie, basically all combat encounters), I have to reboot the entire game.  This becomes quite annoying given how RNG the early game fights are (ie, I'm trying to fight a spider queen and the outcome is totally dependent on who she randomly decides to attack) (I'm HOPING it gets better later on, since I liked the powered-up tutorial fight a lot).

Also, is there a way to change the ctrl key as the key for skipping text?  I would like to set it to something else, but do not see this in the list of controls in the options menu.


Might just be my opinion, but playing Nightmare Mode without New Game+ bonuses and trying not to corrupt Aura is pretty much going to be an RNG-fest start to finish. YSQ isn't really all that bad if you've lit the room, get an ambush round, and Charlotte doesn't die R2, but even in Normal encounters like the Ogre Commander can rely fairly heavily on the 50% dodge from Tactical Advantage (especially if you're attempting a fast run w/o using the collar).

As for the the loading screen button, I think it doesn't work in-battle for the same reason that the menu doesn't work. It definitely would be nice since bad encounters are almost always the reason you'd reload a save, though.

Fair enough, I usually start off RPGs at the highest difficulty since theoretically I can just change it downwards later if I need to, but I always get stubborn and try to tough it out even when it inevitably goes badly.  :P   For now, it's a challenge where I try to figure out the least gross compromises in order to progress quickly enough to not succumb.  So far I've decided to show the alchemist my panties so that I can afford more mana crystals, so that I can begin learning magic.  Those small spiders will go down a lot easier if I get fire.

Yeah, Charlotte dying round two is one of the lose conditions.  Sometimes she gets taken out in round one (unless I get an ambush, which is very difficult to do because everything moves quickly and erratically), what's worse is Paul getting taken out, since he's the primary damage-dealer.  And if John gets taken out, I'm basically screwed when the small spiders show up, since killing them off fast enough is quite difficult without the area attack.  I did eventually pull it off, though (actually, I had already pulled it off by the time I wrote the OP, but I had to redo it because I found out that I wasn't supposed to bomb the gate to get to her).

It's weird that you can't reload during combat.  When I played The Last Sovereign (a great RPGMaker classic), you could always hit F12 to instantly kick the game to the menu.

Wait, by "reload the entire game" do you mean closing and opening the program? RPGMV's default reload button is F5 (not entirely sure why this was changed from F12), this works in any situation. You still have to sit through the fairly short opening screen, but it's definitely better than having to close + run the program every time.

Oh, shit, that was exactly what I was looking for.  I figured there'd be such a button, good thing I thought to ask!  :)

... well, I tried it and it's slightly less convenient than what TLS had (in that one it just sent you to the main menu directly, in this one it reboots the entire game so I have to resize the window again), but it's still better than having to reopen the game manually!

You can swap between Fullscreen mode and Windowed mode with F4. So if you are playing in Fullscreen mode and want to reset. Press F5 and then F4.

Another noob question - I've been noticing that prices of things have slowly been going up, what's causing that?  For example, at first Enhance Equipment was 250, then later it was 300, now it's 350.  Is there some stat in the background influencing that that I could do something about, or does inflation just naturally happen over time?


AFAIK prices increase increase for Blessed Water (Daily) and Enhance Equipment/Sharpen Sword costs (later on, with armor enhancement, too). For the latter two, cost increases every time you do the respective action, rather than as a daily progression.

Do you know what causes the Blessed Water prices to increase?  I'm having trouble affording it and don't know how else I'll keep my corruption down in the long run D:

The only thing that causes Blessed Water to increase in cost is the day itself. Not sure what the exact formula is, but the cost of BW doubles at about day 26 (and it's slightly over quadrupled on day 80). It's entirely possible to be able to afford all 5 BW on Nightmare on Day 1 without NG+ bonus cash (admittedly you won't have much money left for anything else), so if you are going to buy them it's probably best to do it then, as it's never going to get any cheaper.

(3 edits)

Shit.  Maybe I ought to restart from the beginning... my income still isn't great, and I'm sitting at 11 corruption on Day 36, still unable to kill any of the Young Avian, the Goblin Shaman, or the demon on the road to the northern mine.  My lewdness is only 4, and I've been able to sort of control my willpower, but I don't have a way to get the corruption down.

EDIT:  I tried restarting from the beginning, the idea being that I would copy/paste the saves from my current run into a separate folder in case I needed them again.  I left behind the save from when I got past the intro.  ... Now the game no longer recognizes these save files.  I tried making a save to test, and that worked, and then when I tried pasting in the files from before again, it now shows only that save slot, with the old save there.  It turns out I can just skip the intro anyways, but I'm DEFINITELY going to need to make backup folders for my old saves (I had already used like 75% of the available slots just playing several hours yesterday), so what's the proper way to do this?

EDIT2:  How are you affording all five blessed waters on day one?  After turning in the Star Metal and collecting the herbs for the tavernkeeper, I only have 435 gold, which only gets me two blessed waters.   ... Oh, I checked a walkthrough, apparently there's a different place I could sell the star metal for 1000g instead (presumably without the other benefits of selling it to the workshop).  Well, shit, guess I have to start over again.  No way the extra 20g per work session is gonna make up for that price difference.  ... But this walkthrough is assuming one is playing on normal difficulty, who knows if this is even possible on nightmare... of course, it's also assuming 100% purity, which I'm not doing, I'm just trying to compromise as little as possible.  (... Yeah, it wants me to defeat the duelist on *day 1*, that's obviously totally impossible.  I do scratch damage to him and he kills me in three hits even while I'm guarding.)

(2 edits)

Admittedly this involves avoiding a lot of annoying fights (read: save scumming), but major sources of possible Day 1 income includes:

(ED: Just ran through this myself)

50 G from the skeleton in the Abandoned Shrine, 150G from Hydrangea (Lack of Flavor) quest, 500G from the 2 Star Metal (one in the semi-hidden hole/cave in the south part of the central forest, one in northern forest cave), 100G from the chest in the lower northern forest, loose change around the Ogres and Mothercrow (~176 total), and 500 G from the chest next to the Ogre Commander.

In Normal you can also count the two Duelists, but as you say, in Nightmare it's kind of a wash since even goblins will wreck you at first (tbh even the goblin fight with Albrecht is a bit RNG-heavy). Still, that will put you at about 1300-1476 G (depending on if you collect all the accessible coins on the ground), which is sufficient to afford all 5 BW @ 1040. I don't feel like it's an absolute necessity to buy them, but if it's part of your plan it's best to do that Day 1.

(5 edits)

I *can* fairly reliably do the goblin fight with Albrecht on day one if I'm at full health, but fighting goblins by myself is a death sentence unless I get both backstab advantage on them AND they miss several times (very unlikely).  EDIT:  actually I'm mistaken, I think I did that fight on day 2 (when Aura is level 2 instead of level 1).  Hrrm.  Doing it day 1 is a lot harder, especially since it appears that Albrecht is set to be whatever level Aura is... and if I can't get past this fight, I can't get to the northern forest on day one.  :/  EDIT2:  Okej, managed to pull it off somehow.

Huh, I didn't even realize there was a cave in the northern forest.  I don't think I've gotten that far - it looked like I had to fight past goblins and ogres to get through there (I did manage to get through part of the way and find a chest with 100g in it, but I didn't see any crow-like monsters so I'm assuming the one you're talking about is something else).  I'll look it over again.

It's probably not absolutely necessary to buy all the blessed waters immediately, but income after the initial burst is very limited and they only ever get more expensive, so I figure it's something to aim for.  It's probably not strictly necessary in my run since I'm going for reducing lewdness as much as realistically possible rather than trying to do absolutely zero lewdness (probably totally impossible on nightmare difficulty), but they'll help, and I'm assuming that a few hundred gold isn't all that much once you get later on in the game.

How long is the entire game supposed to take (in terms of game days)?  Is there any built-in time limit?  (ie, it'd be logical for there to be a hard limit to how many days this can go on since presumably Alicia's plan is screwed if it takes so long that they all graduate and go to separate universities [unless Alicia can just buy her way into whatever super-prestigious school Aura nerds her way into])

EDIT:  Also, would you recommend selling the star metals for 1000g, or giving them to the workshop for 250g?  It'd take 38 sessions at the workshop to make up the difference of 750g, which is a lot, hence my question about the total length of the game.  If I'm going to be here for hundreds of days, then the workshop is the clear long-term option, but if the adventure is over within one school term (as I'm assuming it would be since these characters must be seniors at their age) I'm not likely to do enough workshop jobs to make it worth it (unless the side benefits of workshop level make up for it).

EDIT2:  I found the other star metal and gold you mentioned.  Currently I'm sitting at 976g before selling the star metals.  It appears that selling the star metal to the workshop takes the rest of the day, so I can't sell it to them on the same day I join the adventurer guild (I guess I just stand around awkwardly while they work instead of leaving them to it lol).  976g isn't quite enough to get all five holy waters, but it's close.  Hrrm... I could sell off the Vitality Potion I found, I don't imagine I'll be using that since it hits willpower (then again, if that +5 max hp is permanent, perhaps that's worth it...)

Selling star metals doesn't take up time, it's the enhancements (sword/armor) that do.

Ah, yes, that's right.  I read "it will probably take them to the end of the day to carry out the improvements" and was confused because I could have sworn it didn't take time before.  XD

(1 edit)

Aside from guarding even more loot, the Ogre Commander has a 500 gold bounty and is one way to complete a quest that gives +10 experience(level 2 get?) and unlocks the refugee camp. It also drops a very strong(by early/mid game standards) DEF-boosting monster material for either Aura or her future slime partner. Using the collar to get an early kill on the Ogre commander can be viable as an alternative to taking a few lewd options for gold if you're trying to protect Aura's innocence(and your victory score). Especially if you know fire(since this lets you skip combat when harvesting the star metal in the refugee camp).

The collar will also reset Aura's hp/mp so you can get more done on your day 1(or day 2/3).

By the way, for future reference in case anyone reads this, it appears that Blessed Water starts at 200g and increases by 8g per day (ie, currently I'm on day 113 and the price is 1104g).  I have no idea how I'm going to afford this stuff in the late game.  D:

(1 edit)

So I learned Mana Control, which was advertised as increasing MATK by +3 and max mana by +8, but my max mana seems to have not increased at all... is this a bug?

EDIT:  Nvm I misread it, Mana Capacity is a separate upgrade >_<

(1 edit)

How do I defeat the Mutant Hydrangeas???  They have a seemingly unblockable ability that cripples everyone's attack, and won't die no matter how much firepower I throw at them before they start using that.  I tried guarding to wait out that ability, but they don't seem to run out of mana.

Likewise, the Ogre Commander seems to be absurdly tanky as well.  I couldn't take him down even when he missed multiple times in a row.

EDIT:  I have made it to the Low-Demon, but he is also basically invulnerable unless I can somehow stop him from attacking... well, anyone, really.  He one-shots Charlotte (needed for attack buffs) and Paul (the only one who can deal anything approaching decent damage).  I did get one attempt where RNG went about as well as it could, and then he split into five.

(1 edit)

For the Hydrangeas, you may have to use a bomb or two (have John use them so both fighters can get criticals). If you can't kill at least one of them before they use the pollen fog move (which is the precursor to mind pollination), you might as well put the fight off until you can handle it later.

Just as an FYI, you technically can wait the debuffs out - the Mutated Hydrangea's 300 MP will tap out after casting skills 30 times (Foggy Pollination, Mind Pollination, and Draw Power: Earth all consume 10 MP), but be prepared for a long slog if that's the way you're going with it.

Also, if you haven't already you probably should pick up Pierce from Paul as it will boost your damage output.

Ed: The "split" demons only have 1 hp - the ideal situation is to have John use Slash the same turn the splits, but if John using Slash is completely nonviable you could theoretically make due with a Stasis Bomb as it will hit all enemies (though you'll probably want to keep a few for a later boss fight).

I just now ended up defeating the Hydrangeas by using the Nasty Weapon Coating (or whatever it was called, gives +4 to ATK for a day) and a Vitality Potion.  I'm not sure if this was a worthwhile trade - I think it'd be more cost-effective to go with your idea with the bombs.

I've been uncertain of where to use Pierce since the game doesn't usually tell me how heavily armored opponents are, so I've hesitated on spending the two days to get it.  I suppose it'd be useful against the demon.

Spoilers and all that, but there's a boss with 55 DEF you have to get through (on your own if you don't go the lewd route) - you'll know him when you see him. Pierce, IMO, is a lot more viable than Brittle for that battle. Not only that, but as just about all enemies have some measure of DEF, you're going to do more damage with Pierce than you would with any standard attack. Sometimes it's not necessary, but the extra damage may save you a round  or two of fighting or could even be the difference between dealing damage and not.


Tailwind dispels the Hydrangea accuracy debuff on melee attacks,* and spells(fire/light) are better than bombs if you have the MATK for it since their attack debuff doesn't reduce MATK.

Ogre Commander is tanky, but Ogres are extra vulnerable to being attacked from behind, his attack pattern is/was very predictable(attack, attack, windup, defense debuff IIRC), and his damage isn't very threatening if he can't land his windup martial to debuff your DEF. The Goblin add is also weak to just about every type of magic, so killing it with fire is a cheap way to get tactical advantage.

The Low-Demon's clones have 1 hp each(2 on nightmare). A single AoE attack(e.g. slash) by John or Aura should bring the 5 back to 1.

*I think storm is supposed to do this too.

Oh, yeah, I was using tailwind the entire time (I discovered that ability by accident), but didn't have the firepower to kill them before they killed me until I remembered that consumables were a thing.

For the Ogre Commander, I've always been attacking it from behind, but even when he misses multiple times I lack the firepower to bring him down before he brings me down.  I generally start off with Heat Up, Fire on the goblin, Attack non-commander ogre (with heat up and the tactical boost this one-shots him), then try to deal with the Commander.  Problem is, he has at least several hundred hit points, and I'm basically done if he manages to connect a hit after my DEF is lowered.  I MIGHT be able to make it work if I use the weapon coating, if that boosts me enough to not need to spend a turn on Heat Up to take out the ogre in one hit.

1300 on nightmare. If you're trying to kill him without using the collar, wait until you have enough attack to almost oneshot regular Ogres when you have tactical advantage.

 At this stage in the game, you're better off getting more attack than learning Heat Up since Aura doesn't have a lot of ATK to buff yet and Heat Up eats into your action economy. Weapon coatings are  also expensive and largely unnecessary this early on(you're better off spending a couple of days dodging fights, harvesting materials, and getting salary/upgrades at the workshop).

General rule of thumb is that Thunderbolt is your go-to counter-spell for enemies with wind-up martials. If you land it during the wind-up, they don't get to do their fancy wind-up attack.

Question - do I need to keep my materials for anything?  ie, is there some quest later on that requires them, or can I freely use all my Living Hearts, Slimy Fluids, etc for their equipment improvements without accidentally screwing myself over later?

If you're looking for optimal use, generally speaking most MATK materials should be fed to a slime. Aura's not a phenomenal caster, and magic is also a massive money sink. That said, getting her to 20 MATK is a prerequisite for Lightning Sword I, which is a very helpful spell for quite a few areas/encounters.


To play devil's advocate for a bit: there's a bunch of spells you probably want to learn anyway, ATK is also a pretty massive money sink, the Slime can be built as a pretty strong melee attacker and Defensive Stance does not reduce MATK so mage Aura tends to be a pretty tanky Aura against physical fighters.

I think the game is trying to be balanced around the idea of your Slime filling the role Aura isn't filling. Dueling becomes an absolute pain on mage runs though.

At to the optimal use question: 

Probably best to either sell the living hearts or feed them to the Slime(materials fed to the slime give EXP based on their gold value) with selling winning out as far as I'm concerned. DEF/MDEF/Resistances  tend to matter more for survivability than HP since good fights are the ones where you can stat-check hits into single digit damage and honest hard work at the blacksmith(or drugs if you need them) is a better way to bump Aura's HP. Pyromantium and Ether are best saved for when you unlock Verdeaux since their stat gains aren't great and the workshop gets more expensive every time you enhance equipment.

Yeah, come to think of it, Defensive Stance + Flame Robe is a pretty solid combo. I probably overlooked that avenue since I usually associate mage runs with Lewd Knowledge. 

Bleh.  I'm at day 56, and have just recently defeated the Ogre Commander and Bandit Leader, but my corruption is sitting at 22.  I think I'm going to have to let Alicia do some mental alterations... let's see, what's the least damaging... I guess for now we'll start with increasing happiness capacity.

Tried getting a slime summon.  So far he seems worse than useless, serving no purpose other than to use up mana and give the Alchemist Worshipper that I'm currently struggling with a way to get tactical advantage.

When you get the Slime early on it is kinda cruddy (but still useful for the Darry+Barry fight), but as long as you've been feeding it, once you hit mid/late game it's stronger than Aura (excepting the fact that it has a Darkness weakness). It's Wind form is also practically a prerequisite for underwater combat. The Slime is also viable for the Alchemist when you get the Morph (Fire) skill at Slime Lvl 5. Note that the slime has to be unsummoned when you talk to the girl who taught you the summon spell, the game is not great about telling you this - I honestly got the Slime to lvl 7 before I figured that out on my first run because I practically always had the thing summoned.

One caveat with it being stronger though is that the Slime is definitely a lot better with the Bonding 1-3 passive (involves lewd scenes, will drop Victory Score).

(2 edits)

... You can feed the slime?  How?  :o

EDIT:  Figured it out.  Huh, either I crit failed on reading comprehension a while back or the game did not explain at all that this mechanic existed.  So I've gotten him to learn Protect I by feeding him Big Bones, but none of the other items I've tried have given him skills.  What else besides Big Bones gives him useful abilities?

It's not about what you feed it, rather the Slime learns abilities at Lvl 2 and... 7, I think? My preferred strategy is to work primarily on MATK+HP via Living Hearts, Goblin Teeth, etc, (and whatever else is high value, though Avian Feathers can be a tough pick as Aura's AGI is a rather important stat). Also, 1 Mutant Spore will help with the Morph spells if you don't want to spend money on Mana Stones.

Once you get it later on, the Fire/Wind Slime morphs are arguably the best types to have it morphed into overall.

Ah, well, shit, I've spent most of those things on Aura.  Hopefully I'll find more.  >_<

(1 edit)

No worries, my first run I don't think I ended up getting the slime until like, day 70 or so, and it was pretty much always worthless (Ed: Mostly because I forgot to feed the thing and didn't know it could morph)

At long last, on day 73, I've killed the Low-Demon.

Also, the Alchemist Worshipper was made trivial by the Water Skin spell.  Hopefully that wasn't a wasted purchase in the long run.

(1 edit) (+2)

I finally finished reading Luck Is Also A Skill!  ... "Aura learned absolutely nothing from this!"  D:

I can't even resell it!  Guess its only use is to be a quest item.  RIP.

Well, it's not totally pointless. There would be a quest in chapter 2 where the knowledge of this book would be useful.

(4 edits)

So I'm trying to take care of these giant tree things in the eastern forest before proceeding with the main quest, and it's going... poorly.  I have yet to have an encounter in which the tree doesn't one-shot me with Tremor I, even if I take down his Concentration buff first.

EDIT:  Found a way to approach the tree from behind, which helps, but still doesn't solve the problem with them one-shotting me... :/

EDIT2:  WTF, it regenerates its saplings?!  AND heals every turn?!

Hm? I'm pretty sure as long as you route around it there shouldn't be a quest that's directly tied to the White Oak. If you are talking about the Darkness In The Woods quest, that's for a Low Demon that's further back in the forest. White Oak's pretty dang strong (and not necessary for progression), I wouldn't really recommend fighting him unless you can 1 or 2 shot the saplings with a critical Slash.

I haven't gotten that quest yet, I was just trying to explore side areas before progressing with the main quest.  Good instinct as it turns out, I found another star metal.  I don't think I can take on the demon or the tree yet, though... is there anything else I need to do before crossing the big scary point that says "This will irreversibly progress the story"?

From the sounds of things, no, not really? There is some difference between the state of things before and after that point, but I think it's going to have no impact on your run.

Neato, I've progressed some... oh, lovely, a new curse.  Eyes of Greed... hits willpower whenever I spend money, for 2% of the amount I spend.  Well shit, that's pretty devastating.  This on top of the +4 corruption.  I hope saving those refugees was worth it.  

(1 edit)

Eastern Forest is a mid/lategame area and the tree monsters walk slowly out of combat so you can sneak around them.

Also, unless it's a boss, a humanoid enemy, or necessary to clear a path, it's generally better to avoid fights since combat doesn't award EXP and non-boss non-humanoids don't drop anything to my knowledge.

That damn tree is also a good collar target to build tempo on a run.

(7 edits) (-1)

So I'm at the Money Domain, and have no idea what to do.  I start with -1000 Perika with no clear way to get more - I could do the gambling tables, but they're explicitly said to be rigged, and I can't do the duel because everyone is still at basically no hit points from the fight earlier (Aura was healed but no one else was).  Also, what did the NPC near the arena mean by using an item before the fight???

EDIT:  Nvm, found the tunnel which inexplicably has chests of Perika stored around, at the end of which was instructions for how to rig the blackjack game.  Why did they even build that switch?  lol

EDIT2:  I seem to have collected all the sources of Perika, but I can't find all the refugees.  I've found the three in the center that I saved from the Eyes of Greed, the three at the human derby, and the two at the arena, but there's supposed to be two more, and I know they aren't in the VIP area because the game asks me if I want to give up if I try to proceed there...

EDIT3:  Found another refugee at the gambling area... one more...

EDIT4:  There, it's the one being groped by two men, I had to talk to one of the men instead of her.  Now hopefully I have enough Perika left for whatever's in the VIP area...

EDIT5:  Huh, the final fight with Mammon was a bit anti-climactic lol.  Good thing that increased my corruption limit, I was worried that I had accidentally softlocked myself since the fight automatically turned on Star Knightess (bringing my corruption up to 27/27).

EDIT6:  Well, shit, I guess all that Perika is useless now.  I still had that 4000 from beating Arwin.  Maybe I should have liquidated a couple stats during the fight so I could cast the purification spell.  ... Yup, reloaded and did that.  20 max hp for -3 corruption seems like a pretty good trade to me.

(1 edit) (+1)

Using items before the fight means weapon/armour coatings. I think you're intended to use poison since the duelists have a lot of health and can heal themselves.

A Watsonian explanation for the switch would be that Arwin needs a way to win the card game, either because he's bound by rule 0 and needs to win the Perika 'fairly' or because the money magic doesn't work without a way for both parties to win.

The Doylist reason is of course because Aura needs to be able to get just enough Perika to save everyone and finish the festival without dipping into lewds or burning stats if she does everything right, and another stealth segment fits the game better than forcing players to win a blackjack minigame.

Since Aura ends up using the collar anyway, the best time for stat liquification is during the Pokémon battle:

(1 edit)

Now that I've gotten the quest to deal with Whiteoak, I'm trying to kill it again, and it's still going poorly.  What's worse, the guide specifically describes it as "pathetically easy", but it wrecks me with Tremor every time (I can't stop either it from casting Tremor or the saplings from weakening my magic defense with rocks)...

EDIT:  I've noticed that the Whiteoak only casts Tremor if it gets Concentration up first, but since I go before it (even if I use Defensive Stance to cut my agility in half), I can't prevent this (the AI will choose to use Tremor and one-shot me with it even if I break concentration before it strikes).


Call me crazy but I don't think there is a quest for the Whiteoak? Which quest is this?

It's discussed in Darkness in the Woods.  I'm pretty sure I technically only have to kill the Low-Demon for the quest, and already found the way around Whiteoak ages ago, but if I can't take out the "pathetically easy" gatekeeper how am I going to take on the Low-Demon?  (I'm still trying to do the Low-Demon at the moment anyways since the Whiteoak is a dead end for me)

There's a weaker respawning version of the Low-Demon outside its domain.

Monster A is monster A. All Minotaurs have the same stats, all Young Spider Queens have the same stats etcetera. The only thing that changes between bosses of the same type are the terrain effects(e.g. facing a Young Spider Queen in the dark or near torches) and the presence of allies(on either side, some bosses have adds).

I did eventually kill the Low-Demon boss in its domain in the forest, only to realize afterwards that I had totally wasted my poison weapon coating because demons are immune to poison.  >_<

Still no idea how to kill Whiteoak, or what the reward might be for doing so...

It drops the material Ancient Wood, one of the most valuable (it's worth 4000 G) enhancement mats in-game. As for beating Whiteoak, generally speaking you need to be able to reliably kill all the saplings in 1-2 turns. Once all the saplings are down it usually gets caught in a loop of reviving saplings and occasionally healing itself. At that point, as long as you can get through its passive healing - or god forbid, wait out its mana pool (you're looking at very close to 200 turns of skill use) - it's not all that terrible as a boss compared to other late game fights.

pathetically easy

I chuckled, sensibly. I assume that guide (the one on the wiki?) has a perfectly minmaxed savescummed Aura or just got real good RNG. The quest giver pretty much tells you Whiteoak is tougher than the demon.


It was probably written with the assumption that one was taking it on at the correct time, and not prior to when you even got the quest telling you what it was (and not on nightmare difficulty).  XD


Is it supposed to be possible to defeat Knightess Fleura without using poison?  I feel bad for "cheating" in the fight (even though it's within the rules).


yeah, its possible. you should reload a save prior to that fight and beat it without poison, as pierce 2 is only obtainable from doing it

Weirdly, it turns out that while she's vehemently against the use of dishonorable tactics such as using poisoned weapons, she is apparently just fine with the even more overpowered use of slime armor coating.  :)

So I'm at a point where I'm supposed to make the demon worshippers trust me so I can infiltrate their underground lair and stuff... but as far as I can tell, the only way to increase their trust without doing either lewd stuff or evil stuff is to work as a waitress, at +1 trust each day.  This will take a very long time, if that's the only way to get trust...


It is possible to get to the Underground City on your own - you don't absolutely need the demon worshippers to trust you. Once you find the entrance it's just a matter of entering a second time with your waitress uniform to bypass unnecessary mob encounters. I mean, sure, the enemies do drop gold, but I'm pretty sure you're not nearly strong enough to make it worth your while at this point.

Though TBH going the "sneaky route" is probably meant more for a second playthrough.

Ah, shit, I had already gotten the requisite 20 points.  It turns out you can get like 15 of them from giving some materials to a drug guy in the tavern, which for some reason isn't considered an immoral action by the game (as I'm assuming giving them the formulas would be).

What do I need to do to be eligible to learn Acedia?  The wiki and the guide don't say the requirements, they just say that the demonologist teaches it, but when I go to him (after having done the demonic knowledge quiz), he just says "However, I cannot feel the negative energy required to cast a demonic spell residing within you.  I'm afraid you are not compatible with demonic spells."

(1 edit) (-1)

Acedia requires 10 Vice, 200 MP and 40 MATK. Not sure if you're going to be able to manage this on a first-time run in Nightmare. Also, despite it being a very strong spell (6 Power, hits all enemies, causes an MDEF debuff), at 100 MP per cast it has ridiculous fuel consumption.

Oh, well damn.  I have been specifically going for 0 Vice.

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I'm at a brick wall with these duelists.  I was able to take down Fire Duelist Lara with poison weapon coating, but the others kill me far too quickly for that to be viable.  Item Duelist Clemence's bombs kill me instantly even with anti-magic armor coating (and take out more than a third of my health if I guard), and Thunder Duelist Rene takes me out extremely easily as well (it doesn't help that Aura is weak to thunder and there doesn't seem to be a way of changing this).  I even tried just guarding the entire fight (with defensive stance II) to see if Rene would eventually run out of mana, and that didn't work either.

EDIT:  Also, of COURSE the special enrollment program to the academy is a brainwashing scheme.  Guess I'll have to somehow scrounge up 20,000g if there's anything important there.  A pity, I get the feeling that the scene would have been really hot had it not involved the unlikable sexist prick and if Aura had been, oh, 5-10 years older than she is now.

The fight with Rene allows spells, so while I haven't done it in Nightmare yet, that one struck me as the most straightforward duel in Verdeaux. Speaking in terms of defense, options include using Rock Armor or a Lightning Jam coating, though I would suggest also taking out the Lamia in underground Nephlune if you choose the latter.

Also, maybe it's just because I can't help but compare the art style to a lot of Japanese games, but if you wanted to mentally will Aura to being 23 she looks mature enough for that to me?

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Rene does allow spells, yes, but he has a lot more firepower than I do.  I don't have the money to learn Rock Armor anytime soon, and I don't think I have access to Lightning Jam coating (I did take out the Lamia, so I may have just missed it).

I think this playthrough might be screwed.  I'm at Day 141 with 30/34 corruption and several mental changes, and am blocked on basically every quest.  First I cleared out the phantoms, and after some difficulty made it through the Lamia and the big shark-like thing I forgot the name from... only to find that I needed Open Domain II to proceed with the quest.  I finally got to 50 Trust with the demon cult people, but other than being able to learn Shadowcloak for 500g instead of 3500g, nothing has been gained, and it seems that it will take 80 trust to get the leader to see me.  I visited Mountainreach, and found the person who could teach me Open Domain II, but I need 100 mana for that - I'm at 97 without any enhancement spells on, but don't have a way of raising it easily (I'm out of Ethers after upgrading my slimes - I guess I could buy some, but fuck that's expensive).  I then tried visiting the big city in the south, and was able to beat Lara, but the other Duelists beat the shit out of me in my current condition even if I'm using poisoned blades.  Roland gave me a quest to take care of a golem, but the academy headmaster mentioned that I'd need Brittle II to have any hope of taking it on, and I would need to be an academy member to get this, which requires 20,000g (I'm not even sure if this is intended to be possible lol).  Finally I decided to try to head to the Fortress of Wrath (which I originally assumed was something to do AFTER all this other stuff), and with some effort made my way through to the adventurers holed up there... and discovered that I would need a blessed energy potion+, which is totally inaccessible (I would need to get the recipe, which I think is the book for 5000g, then learn Bless I for 2300g).  I currently have only 3,475g and don't have a good way of getting more aside from working at the workshop for 230g, which can be done at most every other day.  Meanwhile, corruption is constantly growing, I think it's +1 every other day.

EDIT:  I realized based on what the wiki said that I could use the Clear Gem instead of waiting to die, so I've checked out the room and apparently I would have 46 points to spend on a New Game+ if I wanted to end it now.  ... If I'm reading this formula correctly, apparently ending the game with the gem is considered a Victory?  That doesn't make sense... I had assumed I would need to have, you know, won the game, in order to have a Victory.  Regardless... with 46, I could start with +3 AGI/LUCK, +3 DEF/MDEF, and +3 ATK/MATK (or, instead of the ATK/MATK, go for +750g and +15 HP/MP, which would probably help more early game but be worth less than the ATK/MATK later on) (EDIT2:  oh, found the part that sells spells... hrrm.  Starting with Thunderbolt for 14 points might help - would save me 1200g... or if I was willing to part with one of the other stat upgrades, I could do Shadowcloak for 20 points).

Eh, the trouble with anime girls is that basically everything between 15 and 25 can look more or less the same, depending on the artist.  I'd be fine with the way she looks, if she hadn't been explicitly said to be in high school.  Hell, even a college student of the same age would be better - she's definitely smart enough to have gone to college early.  Also, more importantly, while being hypnotized and brainwashed can be hot, being hypnotized and brainwashed by a man like Roland is squick.

Lots to think about, there! Technically you can clear Hand of the King @ 0 trust without fighting (requires Shadowcloak, which you have - the trick is basically that just about all human mobs don't chase you all that quickly, so you can give the door guard the runaround when not disguised), though like you say, I'm not sure exactly how much headway that will give you even if you do complete it.

If you can, I recommend using the collar to kill one last boss before you  start a new run. If you have a spare water or two, maybe collar, end the day, and collar again before using the gem. It'll net you another 2-4 points.

Thunderbolt can be a big help against stuff like the Minotaur, Ogre Commander, and Avian, but the mana consumption is pretty taxing early and I'd recommend scrounging up the points for a starter slime instead. 

While technically free to learn, Fire can be great since it allows you to get the star metals in the bandit and refugee camps without needing to get/keep Charlotte out of jail(although leaving her in jail delays Fire II, which is needed in the underwater sections). More importantly: it gives you the option to get those star metals on day 1 and hit the level 5 workshop milestone early.

Water Skin speeds up the engagement ring and stolen food quests for early leveling and makes the bandit leader bounty easier as a possible alternative to the Ogre Commander.

Given the hints to your playstyle in this thread so far, you might enjoy starting with Desmond's proficiency skills if you've learnt any.

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I already restarted earlier with +3 ATK/MATK, +3 DEF/MDEF, +3 AGI/LUK, and +2 bombs.  Damn, I should have thought of your idea, I had several holy waters left.  Anyways, I breezed past the first few days but as of Day 10, I am currently stuck trying to beat one of the Young Avian, Ogre Commander, Bandit Leader, or Reiner.

Keeping Charlotte out of jail only takes one evening, that doesn't seem like that big of a burden to me.  Also, how are you getting to the refugee camp on day 1?  It doesn't open until you get one of the bounties, which I'm pretty sure you need to have finished the spider quests to get.  And where are you finding five star metals at this point in the game?  I know of two that I can get on Day 1 (in the hole in the forest with the mushrooms, and to the north past the goblins and stuff), and a third that I can theoretically get on Day 2 (with the spiders you have to kill in the following quest after you kill the queen).

Hrrm, Desmond teaches the item skills, I thought?  I try to avoid using consumables as much as possible, so I don't know how much mileage I'll get out of him...

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The implication here is that you use the collar to beat one of the bosses, which isn't a bad idea, necessarily. 4 Corruption = 8 days, and at least on a standard run it's rather unlikely that you'll manage to clear Forest of Danger on Day 9 (at least on Nightmare), and the extras that come with the refugee camp and clearing the quest early on are arguably worth it.

That said, I'm pretty sure beating the Ogre Commander w/o Collar on Day 1 is still in the realm of possibility with NG+ bonuses, though that would rely on a different loadout, favorable RNG, and perhaps more points to spread around for Light or more preferably Storm.

I think that one might require yakety-saxing your way through the bandit tunnel for the poison coating, a bunch of mana stones, a slime companion, thunderbolt and lightning blade.

(2 edits)

Nah, I think you could theoretically get it done with Pierce, using an Energy Potion or two and praying to RNGesus that Tactical Advantage always works. Might work out once every 20-50 fights? Not saying it would be fun, just possible. Ed: Though now that you mention it, Lightning Sword would be a good option for TA without constantly draining your MP. Pretty sure you could handle the goblin even if it outspeeds you, too.

Ed 2: Nevermind, at least if I'm trying to limit myself to 46 score using Lightning Sword seems a bit rough. Not entirely without merit, but rough nonetheless, as there's really only 14 points to work with afterward (+3 AGI is necessary for outspeeding the commander).

That run ended at 30/34 corruption and enough gold for holy water, I'm operating under a 50 point budget assumption. Run 2 is probably going to end with a higher score anyway.

Could it be an idea to +2 the AGI, use a vitality potion after the duels, kill the Goblin Shaman first for Albrecht's ring and the level 2 stat increase before going Ogre Commander?

I tried noodling around with a few different builds, but at least from what I was seeing it's hard to reconcile the skills needed for Goblin Shaman vs. Ogre Commander while staying within 50 Score and having Lightning Sword, at least in Nightmare. Going over it, I still think your best bet for beating the Commander Day 1 within 50 Score is going to be +3 ATK and Storm, which should let you drop the AGI requirement, allowing you to potentially go with +3 DEF (helps with dueling Quentin, though you can still lose with low damage rolls) and Slash/Pierce, +15 HP/MP, or Fire for extra area access.

In this scenario Slash makes it possible to beat the Goblin Shaman, but only if he brainfarts and attacks you (once, missing on a TA dodge) rather than casting Fire (twice), whereas Pierce lets you deal 40~50 more damage per critical hit to the Ogre Commander (at Lvl 1, anyway), and Fire gives you access to more materials and thus a higher potential max MP.

Of course, any way you slice it beating OC on Day 1 w/o Collar is going to require some measure of luck even if you are pulling out all the stops with skill loadout. Speaking from experience, there, as I've had that bastard hit me more than my fair share of times through both Tactical Advantage and Blindness.

Pretty much the collar for the bounty. There's a case to be made for just doing everything normally(with maybe a collar use on whiteoak to get Aura through act 1 faster). You ideally want to complete the festival of greed before day 30 though, and the combination of its bounty, giant's bone, area unlock, bonus salary, and exp trickle are a really solid way to speed up your run.

The hp/mp reset combined with fire, NG+ stats, and level 2 should also be enough for Goblin Shaman IIRC(not sure if this relied on RNG or Water Skin though)

Central forest + bandit camp(sneak through the tunnel to get behind the bandit leader) + North forest Scorpion cave + refugee camp... ah right, I suppose the Northern mines would require a day 2.

It's just one day, true. It's still enough of a waste that I generally choose to either pay up or wait since getting those early equipment upgrades is so impactful. Allied npcs(slime doesn't count, slime MVP) on nightmare are largely useless except as meatshields and buff monkeys and you should be able to clean everything up to the minotaur with just John and Paul by the time Charlotte gets out of jail.

If you've switched to avoiding consumables, disregard what I said on those. I thought you were still doing a mostly pure run where the alchemist discount was treated as a necessary sacrifice and consumables were used for certain bosses.

Hrrm, even getting to the festival by Day 30 will be tough.  Currently it's Day 18 and I'm attempting to take out the Low-Demon (doing this prior to the Young Avian, Ogre Commander, and Bandit Leader may not be plausible, I'm not sure what the intended order is).

I was able to take out the goblin shaman fairly early, but I don't think it was Day 2 (I remember having to at least learn Fire first, and I think I got at least one equipment upgrade).  That'd be pretty impressive without Water Skin.

Last time I tried, I can't even take on the regular bandits from behind, which I believe I would need to do to get through the tunnel (could be mistaken).  I think I need Thunderbolt first before I have any hope of taking on them or the Ogre Commander, which I should be able to get now (trying to take on the Low-Demon first).

As it happens, Charlotte is a very important buff monkey, since she's the one with Heat Up, which makes everyone else a lot more useful.

In general I try to avoid using consumables unless I have a specific need for them, since I might need them later.  For my New Game + run, I intend on going 0 Lewdness and ideally no mental changes.

You don't need to use a bomb to get through the tunnel, the Forest Bandit mob at the "normal" entrance is slow enough to walk around (just have to be a little wary of the timing with the bandits directly below), and the bandit leader is likewise slow enough to lure into the table that's blocked with a chair, which makes getting around him trivial.

Oh, that's clever.  So that leaves me at four Star Metals, what's the fifth?

(1 edit)

As Annogiemouse mentioned, the four "immediately" accessible Star Metals are in the Central Forest, Northern Forest, Bandit Hut, and Refugee Camp. Day 2 (assuming you became an adventurer, anyway) gives you access to the Northern Mine, and after starting Spider Cleanup you can get the Star Metal there.

Tunnel does not require combat if you have Fire(which you should have if you've unlocked the south forest). Simply wait at the edge of the bottom right bandits' 4-tile aggro radius and rush from the vine to the bed once they look down. Apparently you don't need the tunnel, but I'm telling you anyway.

Lack of Charlotte when Aura has NG+ stats mostly means a delay on the Minotaur and Low-Demon since you should be able to kill the Slime and Young Spider Queen without her. Being a lower level doesn't affect the strength of her Heat Up either, just that of her Fire.

As a tip, the room unlocks do not count as mental changes. Free -3 corruption in the outer chamber without if affecting your score.

So now in my New Game +, I've just finished the Money Festival at Day 58.  Corruption currently 19/32.  And I've got a slime at level 5, with Morph: Fire unlocked.  Also, less notable but still helpful, this time I've bought a bunch of apples BEFORE getting the curse of greed, I picked up a couple emerald teas from the festival, and I've been buying the blessed waters as they become available so I'm saving money there in the long run.  Overall not amazing, but significantly better than my first run.

... Oh, it just occurred to me, I've had the Potentia Rune for a while.  I should have thought to use that earlier (and also unlock the area in the forest to get that star metal).  Bleh.

Ugh, the Lamia fight is such bullshit.  Imo, any fight in which the outcome is purely RNG (in this case, hoping the boss is dumb enough to repeatedly attack the slime instead of Aura) is badly designed.  Also, how does it always know to guard as I'm about to use rampage?!

Weirdly, it didn't give me anywhere near this much trouble in my last playthrough...

Okej, for future reference, here's the strategy on nightmare mode that eventually worked for me:

(first thing is what Aura does, second thing is what Slimey does)

(this is with nasty weapon coating on, unsure if it's necessary)

Turn 1:  Heat Up, attack phantom.

Turn 2:  Heat Up, attack phantom.

Turn 3:  Light I on phantom, attack phantom.  Lamia will switch to Offensive Stance.

Turn 4:  Attack Lamia, throw Flash Bomb.  The attack on Lamia should do roughly 500-550 damage.  (The flash bomb isn't strictly necessary but makes the RNG for the remaining steps less hellish - the Lamia needs to NOT hit Aura, and Slimey won't last long enough if she hits every time)

Turn 5:  Heat Up, Protect (or defend if you're feeling lucky and want to leave it to RNG whether Lamia attacks Slimey or Aura, with the benefit that Slimey would survive at least one hit).

Turn 6:  Light I on Lamia, Protect (or defend, etc)

Turn 7:  Rampage I on Lamia, and what slimey doesn't doesn't matter because either this will finish off the Lamia (dealing 1500ish damage), or it won't (because the Lamia randomly used guard or because you missed due to RNG) in which case you have to reload

In any circumstance, the Lamia choosing to attack Aura is basically instant death.  It spends the first four turns powering up, but after that it's basically RNG whether it chooses to attack Aura or Slimey (or, sometimes, it randomly guards for seemingly no reason).  If you deal enough damage (I think about half health), it will summon its snake friends, which is also basically instant death.  Do NOT use Offensive Stance as the pure run walkthrough suggests, as it doesn't work here (you can do steps 1-4 if the phantoms randomly choose to not attack Aura, but if you attack the Lamia with double-boosted attack with tactical advatange, it deals around 1000 damage, which isn't enough to finish off the lamia but does bring it below the point where it summons its friends).

Nice! I'm sure I could crunch the numbers, but just out of curiosity, what was your ATK stat for this?

I'm not sure what it was then, but it's currently 26 (without the coating) and I don't think it's changed since then.

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Ugh, this game is infuriating.  Currently stuck on the Lilim.  I don't remember struggling much with it last time, but this time it's just absurd.  The fight is just blatant RNG that's slanted against the player.  It's just a matter of trying over and over again, hoping that the Lilim doesn't use the attacks that one-shot people for long enough to allow you to use Rampage (after two heat ups and a tactical advantage after an acid bomb has taken out its armor), and then for none of the three rampage hits to miss.  This isn't fun.

I advise taking a break - maybe give the demo of Fear and Hunger 2: Termina a try.

The difficulty with taking a break is that once I take a break from a game, I tend not to come back for a very long time, if ever.

Fair point.

Also, from what I know, both Fear and Hunger games are pretty RNG heavy, up to the point where there are Coin Flip attacks that can easily one shot your party members. This even applies to saving, where if you fail a Coin Flip you end up getting attacked.

Just take off the collar :)

I can't do date wits hremann 4.



Where is the god damn abandoned shrine 

It's the place where you start the day in Roya.