I've got some feedback in case you pick this project back up: the first boss is annoying. It's completely invulnerable for a while, forcing the player to sit there and wait for a long time. Worse, during the brief moment the eyes are open, the invulnerable bees can easily get in the way, blocking attacks completely and not giving enough time to reach the other vantage point before the eyes close again. EDIT: and the eyes are so transparent while open, players might not even realize they animated; please add some white to those scleras. Also, the falling hazards should have some warning of where they'll fall since some of the waves don't give enough time to reach safety should the player end up in the wrong spot at the wrong time.
Other misc. issues: the moving platform just to the right of the large tree moves too far away, once again forcing players to sit there and wait should they just barely miss it. Lastly, I'd appreciate if the movement physics were tweaked so that letting go of left/right in midair instantly stops forward movement. This would make the controls more responsive and allow for more tricky platforming in later levels.
P.S. The tutorial text seemed to say that I'd lose my double-jump on death, but that never happened. If this was a mistake, I think it should be kept this way (redoing the tutorial text) since the game didn't seem completely designed around not having double jumps. If this was because I played on Casual difficulty, I'd like the difficulty selection to explain what the differences are between said difficulties. I also don't think this game should have a lives system given how much content is already between each checkpoint.