Well to be frank: I wasn’t necessarily “defending” myself, but rather giving you insight in regards to the decisions that went into the current state design. My apologies if it rubbed you the wrong way. I will add though that some people tend to forget: developers (in most cases) aren’t just “work horses” disconnected from the actual gaming space; I am a long time old-school gamer myself, so I’m certainly not going into this “blind” and just applying random values that may or may not look nice on paper.
What I’ve playtested so far felt good enough to me, as well as to a bunch of other people who didn’t complain. Maybe they did so because they were friends and didn’t wanna upset me; maybe they simply didn’t know better. Whatever the case, I didn’t think much of it and left the mechanics as-is. That’s really all there is to it.
Again, I apologize if your opinion differs. After all, everyone is entitled to their own tastes and preferences, that’s reasonable. I took note of everything you brought forth and have you know that it’ll be considered moving forward with this project. I just don’t want to make any promises I can’t keep, is all.