Hi, I managed to replicate it several times.
My MC is a short blight user with blue eyes and blonde hair (curly), pronouns are She/Her, "obnoxious do-gooder". The magic reset happens somewhere between "You tentatively knock" and "Panic oh God panic". Not sure if a save time matters. In the last try I saved on the screen with the last lines "Luckily your box is silent." and reloaded on the next screen. Oh, and I use Edge browser, just for an information)
By the way, while trying to replicate the magic reset I've got somehow eyes color reset to brown, hair color to black (still curly) and pronouns to They/Them. Not 100% positive though, could be I just forgot to set it, being fixated on a magic :) I can try to replicate it later if necessary.
Also not sure thing, but it could depend on how often or at what moment I check the personality card, because the magic reset happened when I went directly to the Tahita's office without looking in the personality card, and in the case of the (possible) colors and pronouns reset I checked the card almost at every screen. But it's only a suggestion, can also try to replicate, when I have time if you still need it :)
I hope it helps)
Update: just reloaded the game at the screen where Tahira and MC are staying in front of the club (after making a choice "Distract her"). The magic type resets from Blight to Flame.
Update 2: a couple of other things. First, in the CEO building after "Like someone is trying to open the door without you hearing it." the next screen (with variants "Evade" and "Check who is it") stays for about 1 or 2 seconds and then switches to the next screen automatically. It is still possible to make a choice if you fast enough :) Not sure if it's a bug or you intended it like this. Second, the Irritability, Compassion and probably Charisma counters. When one of them goes up - it will go up every time you open the personality card, and other counters will go down.