thank you for your answers.
to 3): how big is the influence of the diplomacy decisions on the main story? e.g: if i struck a tradedeal will my ressource gain change after a gameloop//if i assasinate person XY of Z-land, will his death play a role in the story itself?
to 4.) thats good to hear. i already decided to romance asha, so im happy that in that case i wont get the bad ending for her.
=>(A) when you said, that the bad endings are hard to get, do you mean they are hidden behind "stupid" decisions? i could think that if you act as a tyrant or send alexander into certain death ("our soldiers bravery is stronger than the enemies larger army..") you would get his bad ending. no idea about theodore
=> (B) if i remember correctly than you get a choice (with asha when you both sit in the garden and "sunbath") to either ro flirt back or not. is this a early "milestone" of enabling her (or the other romancable characters in their scenes) as a romance option?
=> (C) this is more of a direct question: if i play these kind of games i usually decide for a romance option even before the game (here asha) and change it only if the others really impresses me. with that: since i already made up my mind, what would make more sense in your opinion? focus only on ashas events to see all of her content OR do see atleast one of the other?
i still have 2 new questions, sorry for that ;)
- during character creation you can choose one of 4 paths. do they influence anything else besides the starting ressources? e.g. cheaper decision costs depedning on your chosen path
- this last question is more spoilery, so i completely understand, if you dont want/cant answer it: does every romance path have an equal ending? ==> can Calydia has 2 empresses in the end *wink wink*?
again thank you for your answers.