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A member registered Jun 22, 2023

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hi. thank you for your answer.

no problem. i only got confused, because i was so invested in the game, so its kind of a compliment ;)

one small question: do you have a fixed update-release schedule or is it more like "its done when its done"?

hi dev.

ive finished the game and i really like it. i have some questions, i hope you can answer:

1.) what exactly do the guilt bar represent? mybe you can explain it to me?

=> depending on the level ofthe guilt bar, will it be responsible for certain events in the future? e.g. will a full guilt bar lead to an bad end OR will it lead to an automatically confession of MC?

2.) i personal was a little confused what the percentage of each skill means. to clarify: if i have 10% in a stat, does that mean MC is bad in that skill or is MC considered professional in each skill and each percentage number means she is getting more skilled? i hope you undertand what i mean ;)

3.) at the end of the version i checked the "final" stats i had with my companions and was wondering: if i choose the romance option with a character, that would mean that i "loose" the options that would increase the friendship bar. does this mean i can end up with high romance but low friendship? will there be an option (maybe when the relationship becomes official) that the friendship bar automaticly increases?

=> in my playthrough i had gabriel at 40% friendship (i think it said something about "he is your good friend" or somehting like that) and i only chose the friendly options; while i decided to romance lyth (chose mostly romance options and being friendly to him) and in the end only had 27% friendship.

again, really like your game, thank you for your game.

i really like this game so far. i have one question:

do i always have the benis-module equipped to avoid missing unisque scenes? e.g. if i talk to an npc without having the benis-module equip, can i miss a sex scene?

since i would prefer to use the crotch-module, but also dont want to miss anything.

thank you in advance

yes, thank you for your answers.

(1 edit)

hi Ramona,

was thinking of supporting you and the game on patreon, but i have some questions:

will talking about the 5€ tier

1.) are the once-a-month sidestories retroactive avaiable? so will i have access to all past stories if i support now?

2.) commisions are like: you ask an artist for something & pay, then the artist deliever, right? if so, what does early access mean in that context?

im sure you hear it enough, but it still amazes me how captivating your writing is. last time i played was when chapter 8 was released, and 1.) im sure i could roughly retell the story from memory and 2.) can still "conjure up" the hate i had towards the mother of MC.

hi everyone.

after playing the game for some time i want to give you, dev, some suggestions:

1.) e.g. after you cook something in your hut you have the option to a) "return" or b) return to hut. i still dont know exactly why we have these two options. i think only the "return to hut" option would be necessary.

2.) i like the modesty-concept, but i have the feeling, that its currently still sometimes bugged/not working. for example: when assistingthe blacksmith, he sometimes make advances and with high enough modesty, the MC blocks it. sometimes it reduces the modesty, but sometimes it doesnt. same thing with all other things (merchant, street performer). so maybe you could add more thigns to reduce modesty by more than 1 point. i started with over 100 modesty and in combination with only reducing it by 1 + sometimes it wotnt count, it feels like a uncomfortable long grind.

idea=> street performing reduces modesty by an increasing amount, depending how much modesty you have: so with high modesty you reduce itby only 1, at certain milestones you reduce it by more (roleplay wise you show more and more skin/dance more seductivly/...) dont know if that is already ingame, didnt street perform much since i had low stats = only made 5 gold

3.) small one: the game/goat talks about breast/butt/lip size as levels. maybe you could add these levels besides the descriptions.

=> breastsize: ample (lvl 3)

4.a) i think it wouldnt hurt if you could add how many skill-XP you earned by doing a specific task. right now i cant be sure if and for what a task gives me XP. so adding something like: you succesfully hunt a rat (+1 survival XP) would help solve the problem.

b.) also adding a XP-bar/progress for each skill/something similar would be helpful. e.g. each skill has a link which opens the XP-bar/progress looking like: 2XP/10XP for level up.

==> in case this doesnt work with the current system you could make it that as soon as you reach a certain level (like level 25 in survival) hunting for lower animals no longer give you any XP, so you are forced to hunt bigger (and potential more dangerous) animals to earn XP.

5.) small one: if you click on a tab in the sidebar (like appearance/personality/...) you have a back-button, which will do the same as the back arrow and only rolling back one "action". i think it would be better if the back-button would be renamed to "back-to-the-game" and would bring you back to the current scene.

=> if you currently in your farm hut and click on appearance, then you click on the "back-to-the-game"-button it would bring you back to your farm hut

i really like your game and i think it has potential.

hi dev, so far i really like your game.

i encountered 1 bug, sadly i dont know exactly how it happened anymore. but somehow i was able to have a negative amount of ingredients like herbs, meat, ... problem is, that now everytime i get one of them (like hunting) the negative value just increases.

just completed the new content. really good, well done.

one question: will a old save (in my case from this update 1.7) still be working with a new update?

sorry if im not using the correct terms, im not expert.

1.) cis woman

2.) cis man

3.) transgender woman//born male

4.) transgender man//born female

5. & 6.) they/them with either a penis (phallus) or vagina (vulva)

hope it helps.

if i may ask: are there any infos if these patreon-locked options became available for public? e.g. when the game is fully finished?

alright, thank you for your answer

(1 edit)

hi. just finished the first chapter. so far i really enjoyed it. some questions:

1.) does decisions from chapter 1 carry over? if so, does this happen automaticly?

2.) do you have a rough release schedule/"roadmap" to share?

3.) will there be future, seperate chapters or will this chapter be updated with future ones? if there are future seperate chapters: what will the cost?

a suggestion: i dont know, where you want to go with the story, but maybe you could add a character desrciptions besides the text. nothing complicated, somthing like "You are X, a female cis-woman with female genitalia." and depending where you want to go some additional informations like how the PC deals with fights (aggressive/combatitive VS diplomatic/peaceful). maybe something similiar for flea too?

anyways really like the story. continue with this quality.

thank you for your answer. so it will be an obvious choice i had to make/its not missable, right

(1 edit)

hi everyone.

i have a quick question: can MC still get pregnant, if she goes with eva to buy birthcontrol pills? or will this lock me out?

thank you in advance

you pay automaticly each monday at a specific time (dont know it right now). so you only have to have enough money at monday.

hi everyone. i have 2 questions:

1.) where do i get green essence?

2.) are there any prerequisites to find the witch?

thank you in advance

hi everyone.

im struggling to complete the "quest"It's A Team Sport; i already had sex with 21/22 football player. the one missing doesnt seem to be one of the special-npcs. is there maybe another way to meet him (besides rng)?              => during my first test-run i had a "star quarterback" as one of my special-npcs; this time i dont have him and instead i have the "well-meaning athlete". could it be, that the one im missing is the star quarterback?

thank you very much for your help.

thank you very much for answering my questions. 

since you mentioned it, here a quick question: can you still bring a gift for Rana, even if you didnt spoke to her before departing?

(3 edits)

hi Ramona

just completed the game a few hours ago again and i stil really like it. chapter 8 was great, especially Eloras intimate scene. for me it was perfect.

before i ask my questions i would like to compliment you for your writing/writing style. i already knew the story (up to chapter 8) but i was still sad when ahlf died and was still surprised at the plottwist in ishari, to name some examples. also its impressive how easy it is to imagine the scenes you describe in our own head.

now to my questions:

1.A.) this time it was the first time i unlocked my divinity. it added a new stat-bar to the other 3 (might/leadership/politics). since divinity seems to be tied more in the story, does this mean the number/percentage you have in this stat will affecting the story more than the other 3 stats?

B.) so far there was only one opportunity to train your divinity (on the ship towards the southern isles; it got me from 50 => 55). in this case the option was quite obviously, it literally said "train your divinity". will it be always an obviously choice to improve the divinity-stat or will they become more and more  "secreter" (e.g. options says somethng like "train with Anu" vs "train with Sir Oren" =>  depending on whom you choose you either imrpove the Divinity-stat or warfare/might-stat)-

2.) in the prologue/chapter 1 you can get a statue of an ancient one from a merchant. i chose the one who represent death/fighting (im sorry for not remembering the name). so far i didnt noticed anything in regards of this choice. will it matter in future chapters? or did i miss something?

3.A.) this is my only critique/request in chapter 8 i have. before embarking the ship and sailing tothe Southern Isles you have a choice to go and say goodby to one of the given choices. while i understand that MC is under time pressure i really wished that we had an opportunity to say a quick goodbye to Rana (and optional to her father too). => personal idea: give her the statue you got from the merchant and say something like "keep it safe until im back".  maybe i just want to have more interactions with her since there are almost none in chapter 7.

B.) spoiler ahead so dont read if you didnt played the game so far...

when you decide to meet your mothers new family, you can choose to become close to Rana but not to her father (again, sorry for not remembering his name). i chose this option in my game, but always wondered what exactly this means. does this mean i/MC will ignore her father? or will i be able to have a friendly relationship with him, while having a sisterly relation with Rana & a motherly with my mother?

4.) can you maybe give an estimate timeframe how long the game will take until its final release? please dont get me wrong, i rather wait longer and having fleshed out story than a rushed one.

EDIT: just read some older comments and i stumpled across one, where you mentioned a free bonus game, which functions as a sequel. do you have any informations about that one, which you can share?

once again thank you very much for such a wonderful game & story. 

(1 edit)

thank you again for answering my questions. 

thank you for your answers.

to 3): how big is the influence of the diplomacy decisions on the main story? e.g: if i struck a tradedeal will my ressource gain change after a gameloop//if i assasinate person XY of Z-land, will his death play a role in the story itself?

to 4.) thats good to hear. i already decided to romance asha, so im happy that in that case i wont get the bad ending for her.

=>(A) when you said, that the bad endings are hard to get, do you mean they are hidden behind "stupid" decisions? i could think that if you act as a tyrant or send alexander into certain death ("our soldiers bravery is stronger than the enemies larger army..") you would get his bad ending. no idea about theodore

=> (B) if i remember correctly than you get a choice (with asha when you both sit in the garden and "sunbath") to either ro flirt back or not. is this a early "milestone" of enabling her (or the other romancable characters in their scenes) as a romance option?

=> (C) this is more of a direct question: if i play these kind of games i usually decide for a romance option even before the game (here asha) and change it only if the others really impresses me. with that: since i already made up my mind, what would make more sense in your opinion? focus only on ashas events  to see all of her content OR do see atleast one of the other?

i still have 2 new questions, sorry for that ;)

- during character creation you can choose one of 4 paths. do they influence anything else besides the starting ressources? e.g. cheaper decision costs depedning on your chosen path

- this last question is more spoilery, so i completely understand, if you dont want/cant answer it: does every romance path have an equal ending? ==> can Calydia has 2 empresses in the end *wink wink*?

again thank you for your answers.

hi devs

just completed the demo on steam and i really enjoyed it. the game made it on my wishlist.

i still have some questions

1.) how difficult is/will be normal mode? can i only lose if i make stupid decisions? 

2.) will the full game has a difficulty slider for normal mode? maybe with higher strating ressources or "better income"? personally im right in the middle of "storymode" and "normal mode": i enjoy mild ressource management, but also want to enjoy the story.

3.) the demo didnt had the diplomacy option available. i guess it will be in the full game. can you explain, what i will be able to do with this option in th full game?

4.) when you decide with whom you want to spend time with (e.g. at the coronation) will this have consequences beside romance?

=> if i only choose asha in these events will i end up with a bad pöatonice relationship with theodore/does it have negative consequences one the other romance-options?

thank you very much for such a great game.

hi everyone.

planning to buy this game in the near future. i have 2 small questions:

1.) scrolling through the older comments, some of them had problems buying this game from here ( with paypal. is this currently still a problem? (im not able to buy it on patreon, because of personal stuff)

2.) is there a full walkthrough/guide for this game? preferably written.

thank you in advance

hi dev.

just played the newest update and want to say, how much i love this game, esspecially the story.

i hope the lack of comments here on wont discourage you in completing the game.

one question: how much of the game is finished?

thank you again for this game.

(3 edits)

hi Ramona G.

im normally not the person to write a comment to praise a game (i always have the feeling that i only repeat what others already said) but for your game i have to say some words.

your writingstyle is really immersive. i myself could really feel the emotions of the characters.

my favourite scene (besides the big plot twist after the rescue of the ishari prisoners...) was the good bye between MC and queen elora (after i decided to romance her). i really was heartbroken. you can imagine my surprise and joy when she arrives wth her boat.

now some questions and suggestions i have.

?- basic question, i know, but how many chapters are you planning to have?

?- 1) example queen elora: you often have 2 romance options; a shy response and a more direct response. will the relationship develop different depending how often you chose the shy/more direct responses? or are these more for flavour? 2) does one romance response "progress" the relationship faster?

?- MC unlock divinity: how many percent of the ishari religion do i need? currently i had balanced religion stats (each religion at 60%) and got rjected/injured. for the future: will there be a way to still unlock it even when A) you get rejected or B) if you have balanced stats?

!- while the stats wont be that important, maybe they can influence the story by using different adjectives or adding 1/2 unique sentences. e.g. "with your last breath you overwhelm the enemy" (low might) VS "you defeat the enemy and kill them with a clean strike" (high might). in this case the stats arent that important (you still reach the same outcome) but a high percentage in the right stat is still rewarding.

!- maybe you can include a static (=> no change like clothing or jewels,.....) character art of the MC in similiar style of the ones on this page. either always visible beside the story or "hidden" in the bio.

- because of personal reasons i am not able to use patreon. i still looked at it and saw some mention about side stories. are you planning to release them in the future? maybe as DLCs or supporter packs on steam?

anyways thank you for this wonderful game. Continue your good work!