thank you for your answer.
Recent community posts
hi Necro Bunny,
just recently found this game and played it till the first time we arrive back to the house. so far i really like it.
i have some questions:
1.) does the outfits we can choose have any effects on the story/gameplaywise? e.g. will people comment if catherine walks around with the lady death outfit?
==> also this only happens with the hairstyles, but i can select even the locked ones. dont know if i would be able to use them in the future or if they are only a visual bug.
2.) ive read about a character named marius, who make a proposal, which locks you out of other characters nsfw scenes
a) is he the only character who locks you out? or will every romance (?) option at some point offer a similar choice?
b) can i "mess up" relationship if i choose to flirt with almost everyone?
3.) are there timesensitive events/quests/...?
anyways thank you for your answers.
since you mentioned triv being an introvert, does this mean their relationship will increase slower? e.g. at the point of the festival i had 50% with welling, will i have around the same % with triv at this point? and yes, i have a bit of FOMO interms of relationships not only in IF´s but also in RPG-games.
thank you for your answers.
to (1): to you mean the scene where you can either go to the professor or go with welling to the training yard? because at this point i could only choose between those two options. i assume it means, i cant choose to attack venali when he talks about the corruption in the kingdom, right? in that case, which other option would lead my MC to the dean?
my small suggestion: it wasnt clear to me, that triv is connected to venali. maybe i missed some passage ingame. so maybe you could add something to the characters description here on itch, e.g. "they are (good) friends with triv/venali". or maybe i was really just blind.
hi Peonyb.
i really liked the game and the story. also i think your writing is quite good. i can really imagaine the scenes in my head. i still have some questions:
1.) so far there are a lot of welling-options and only one trivelyn-option to increase relationship. did i miss some? in the end i had 50% welling and only 5% trivelyn. i usually choose my romance options before playing, so i was a little disappointed, since i really wanted to romance trivelyn, but when the choice came up where you choose with whom you go to the festival trivelyn was greyed out.
=>i was going for the darkness affinity. does this mean that certain romances are locked out depending on your affinity? if so, i suggest mentioning this somewhere.
2.) if you check MC´s stats there are 3 bars affinity aptitude/intellect/strength. i assume that over the story, we will be able to increase them. will the choice for that always be obvious, like "you decide to train X" OR will it be more hidden.?
==> will i be able to increase all of them OR will i have to focus on one/two of them at one point?
3.) after some point during chapter 3(?) the control/wicked/deceitful-bars disappeared and instead a description appeared. does this mean MC´s personality cant change anymore/is locked in? if so i really like it. personally i dont like it if IF´s have personality-bars for the MC, since that would be another thing to look out for (and potential reload) incase i have a specific character in mind. so this method of being able to influence the personality bars up to a certain point and then locking them is something i really like.
4.) how much will the stats (personality and aptitude/intellect/strength) influence the story? will they only be for flavour or can they lock you out of mayor story relevant choices?
again, i really like the story and world, but i also have to admit that i stopped the game when i reached the festival choice, and send this post, just to get an answer for the whole "no relationship with trivelyn"-problem.
PS: this is an bug i encountered. i chose trivelyn to be female, but the last option uses male pronouns. btw. this was the only choice ive encountered, where i could increase the relationship with her by 5%.
just finished this game and it was a blast. i was really intrigued in the story and world and was sad, that the demo was finished.
i have 4 questions:
1.) how many endings will th game have? will it be a) always the same ending, b) the same ending but with variations OR c) completely different endings depending on your choices (like good/neutral/evil ending with variation of romatic/platonic/....)
2.) will other choices besides the romance ones (marked with hearts; btw i only had 2, maybe 3 of them; are there more?) influence the relationship with Mathias? e.g. in my playthrough Mathias proposed to my MC. was this happening because i chose all romantic options or did this only happen because i made other, independent choices ==> if i side with Mandreis during the bonus story, will it "reduce the romance score"?
3.) are there more informations about the second game of this series "Ward the Dragon, Love the King"? if not, could you share some teasers, like will we play as the same character as in this game or will the ending/choices of this game matter in the second one?
4.) once the full game is released, will you release a "guide" about how to e.g. unlock certain scenes/archetypes/endings?
EDIT: just scrolled through some comments and noticed, that the MC can have 2/3 different archetypes. a.) i read about seeker/destroyer/ruler archetype. is one of them "bad" and the other "good"? or does these represent different personalities of the MC, like would a seeker-MC be more tactical, while a destroyer-MC trusts more on their power? b.) how much influence will the archetypes have over the story. will they mayorly change the story or only some choices? c.) at which point are the archetypes decided aka will the archetypes change during the game or not? d.) is it possible to get the ruler archetype. how?
thank you in advance and im excited for the final chapter
really like the game so far. like the story and premise too.
i have one question: how difficult will it be to reach a good ending/epilogue aka winning the succession? what i mean is; do i (the player) need to be a mastermind/businessman-woman myself and always be 10 steps ahead OR can i reach the "good" ending simply by not choosing obvious bad choices (e.g. make a plan for the next meeting VS be lazy)
thank you in advance for your answer.
well, i just finished the story and i can only repeat what i siad ain my earlier comments: i love the story, your writing style, basicly everything.
of course i wish taht the epilogue would be longer, but that can be said about every chapter and the story overall.
i want to talk about save files. i know that there arent one, because of the software (?) you used. and i dont think its bad with a linear game like this one (not saying its bad because of this). i personally like saves, no matter how long or linear a game is, nut this is because i treat IF the same a i would books: once i ead them, i usually dont read them again for some time. in addition, once i reread a IF, i usually stick to my canon/favourite route (i sometimes choose different dialogue, but big main choices/RO stay the same). if i try something different, it feels to me like ripping pages out of a book. with saves i could have e.g. made a ave before the big decision (stay vs leave), choose the leave option first and then reload back to my canon path.
to be clear, i completlely understand if you want to use the same software (?) you used and most importantly, not having saves isnt a dealbreaker for me. just wanted to share my thoughts and reasoning for that, since i have the feeling that my opinion on saves (both for IFs and games) isnt quite popular.
anyways, im really excited for your new IF (btw, ive read that you had posted a sneakpeak/hint about what your new If will be; could u mabe post a link to this specific post?) and... well the author-equivalent of "break a leg". ;)
thank you for your answers.
i have more questions, but these fits more with you tumblr-asks, so i will ask them over there.
one follow up question to 3. a) :
so if my oracle would walk through the city, the average citizen wouldnt know that they are a demoneater, correct? if i understood your answer right, then if the oreacle is a swarm, then every demon knows about this? or is it more like a rumor?
hi Ri,
just finished this game and i really like it. i like your writing style, the lore and the characters, especially Az.
if you dont mind, i have some questions:
1.) what will a high/low sanity influence? e.g. will it affect only flavour text or will it drastically change scenes/lock me out of certain options?
2.) does the choice of your demon form influence choices? e.g. if i choose the puppeteer, will i get additional dialogue choices, like "slightly manipulate the person infront of you"
3.) lore questions
a) does demons keep their demon form a secret and only share it with those close to them? or is it more like when in reallife someone would say "btw, im from the UK"/"my parents are from italy"?
b) is it possible that demons have some "marks" from their demon form? e.g. if someone has some scales, can others reasonable makes the assumption that that person is a satrix?
c) how is transforming into your demon form look upon in this world/society? is it forbidden/frowned upon/allowed?
d) what exactly are half-transformations? i imagine, that e.g. someone with the demoneater-form would be able to transform one of their arms into a demoneater arm.
==> will the MC be able to learn this?
4.) miscellaneous
- will MC be able to choose their weapons in the future?
- does magic has to do with your demon form?
- will we get a scene where MC chooses to sing alongside Az (it was mentioned during the first shared meal, if MC chooses singing as a hobby)
- will there be scenes, where MC and other characters transform into their demon forms?
- does all demons have to deal with sanity (or something similar)? or is it completely unique to oracles?
- how do we decide the height of MC? is it during the ball when somone asks MC to dance? also, will you add additional infos of MC to the profile section (like hairstyle/height/...)? i can understand if you dont want to add "unneccessary" stuff that will never come up again, but personally i like if these kind of infos exist, even as just a small reminder for me the player.
i apologize for asking this many questions. you dont have to answer all of them of course.
also, i chose to romance Az (btw. pretty sure they are a satrix; my other guess would be a hybrid between satrix and butterfly, but the only hint for that would be their outfit at the ball). i dont know why, but after playing i now imagining my MC in her demoneater form, snuggling with Azs satrix form.
anyways, thank you for your answers in advance and im eager for the future chapters (but take time).
last comment for today, i promise ;)
- i hope, that despite this hidden counter, we will be able to lead him to a more peaceful solution. also i hope not every disagreement-option will increase the hidden counter, like more neutral ones (e.g. instead of letting a captured fae be killed OR defending/freeing it, there could be an option to simply taken them as prisoner).
thank you once again.
- in short: if you want a specific ending, you shouldnt do stupid decisions (e.g. for the peaceful ending you shouldnt insult one side and then demand soemthing from them without something in return); and while having a high relationship could make things easier (i guess having a good relationship with the heir of the kingdom is a good idea ;) ), it doesnt matter that much, if you choose clever options.
- could this work as some kind of "rule of thumb" in terms of relationships?: aslong as the description doesnt say something negative (lesters description said something about hating my face), it should be fine
- since you mentioned the mabs: i may be wrong, but i remember, that Az'Lean said something like, that he would appreciate it if MC would offer different perspectives than he does. if thats true, could you tell me, if the nonlethal-option increases or decreases the relationship with him (of course, if this is too much spoilery, you dont have too. i understand completely).
==> new question, came up right before i wanted to start a new run, this time with focus on Az'Lean: will certain romances "force" you to pick a side/break up with you if dont side with their faction?
thank you very much for your answers.
about 3.): you said, that personality-stats are relevant for certain endings. what exactly do you mean by that? if my MC leans towards dishonesty, will i not even get a chance to get the "world peace"-ending? or will it be more like: e.g. during a peace meeting a dishonest MC has a difficultier time to convince everyone than a honest MC?
an additional question: will i be able to increase the relationship with the characters even if i dont choose them to spend time with?
==> sometimes the game give me the choice to spend time with either Vynn, Az'Lean, Maeve,.... during these i always chose maeve, since shes the one i want to romance (& i dont want to miss potential romantic options). at the end of the demo i noticed that only her relationship description changed, the rest stayed the same.
thank you in advance.
hi Salt.
just finished the new chapter. i was having a blast. i really like the story and your writing really excited for the next chapter. i want to know what happens to MC.
some questions:
- what exactly does the number of the stats mean? in my case i focused on tactician and at the end of chapter 1 my MC had 0 in combat. does this mean she is absolutely bad in hand-to-hand combat or simply average?
==> also (what) will these stats influence? will certain choices be locked out/enabled by having a stat at a certain number?
- this is more a lore question: i chose the military background and chose options which states that my MC is happy to follow her fathers footsteps in becoming a admiral. since she is i the soulforge order, does this mean she relinquished her title/heirage?
thank you for your answers in advance.
hi Calliope.
i found this game today and just finished it. i really love your writing style, characters and everything else. im really glad that i found this.
there are some things i want to tell/ask about. hope its ok:
- potential bug: i dont know if this happens in other scenes, bu i noticed it during the scene, where MC is in her private castle room and for the first time realizes that they are a changeling. i made a save file at this point, then chose the option about "numbness". this changed MC´s "stat" from "You have your good days and your bad days, just like everyone else...." to one level donw (dont rememeber the exact description). now, when i reloaded the save and chose the same option, suddenly the text didnt changed this time. i tested it multiple times and both things happened. sometimes the description would change, sometime not.
- questions:
1.) how many chapters will the game have? just another comment where you answer this question, sorry.
2.) will all the future chapters be released her on itch? or will at a certain point chapters be fully exclusive to patreons?
3.) how much influence does the stats (e.g. honesty vs dishonesty) and relationships (both friends and romance) have on the story/certain events.
==> do my MC have to have a high honesty-stat to be able to tell Az'Lean about being a changeling? or oes it only depend on dialogue choices?
thank you in advance for your answers. im waiting eagerly for the next chapter release.
i just finished another run and i can only repeat what i said: i like your writing, im still sad about what happened in chapter 10 and im really excited about chapter 12 (which is the finale one, right? or will there be an additional epilogue-chapter?)
i dont know if you mentioned something already, but do you have plans for new projects already?
while playing from the beginning, i noticed 2 things. 1 bug/error and one question i had:
1.) following the "shit, shit"-option, there is the part which is: "And you are being ridiculous,” you fire back. “It’s a perfectly natural word. I like it, it’s fun."
afterwards on this page we first repeat the "ridiculous"-part, lion then says "No, before that.". maybe its just a figure of speech, but shouldnt he say "no after that"? since we say the "it´s"-part after the "ridiculous"-sentence.
(sorry if this sound confusing. didnt know how else i could describe it)
2.) during the scene, where robin helps ferret (i think before we see that ferret found a book) we have the option between 2 dialogue choices. atleast in my case its not that clear for whom this romance choice is for: robin or ferret?
anyways thank you for the new chapter and take your time.
thank you for your answer.
so far, the renpy version is quite good. only critic would be that its quite hard to read white font on white background. this is only in the "help" and "about" section in the main menu.
i really hope you will be able to finish this game, even if its only the browser version. ive found so many good IF/VN which were sadly abandoned without finishing the story.
hi Velvet Dev,
i have 2 questions:
1.) if i buy this game, do i have to buy it again for each future update or not?
2.) do you have a rough update schedule in mind or is it more like "its done when its done"?
thank you very much for your answers. followed the game for a long time and im glad, that you didnt abandoned it.
so, i replayed the game and since i dont spoil too much:
you siad "please dont hate me." well i dont hate you, but i hope you are for what you did. ;)
joking aside, i really like your writing style nd the story in total. like someone already said, i found this game in the comments of another one and im glad i did. for me its important that i, as the reader, am able to insert myself into the story, which works wonderful with this one.
a bit spoilery for chapter 10:
one suggestion: my personal thought is that chapter 10 could benefit from a trigger warning. but since i personally dont need any, i dont think i could judge it at all.
hi everyone.
i maybe found a bug: in chapter 3 when you reach the circle and prepare to go down, if you choose to ignore the builders hand and bravel venture forth, the next page calls him Lion. the page after that, he is called builder again.
maybe i misremember/missed something, but i dont think that he has intorduced/named himself, right?
hi everyone.
i have a question about the new update, more specific about the flirting/affection stat.
so, in my game i have a npc who loves "huge breasts", "thick body", "thick butts", "herms" and "huge cocks", besides probably other stuff. i also have these5 already "discovered".
now if i try any flirt option besides "pickup line" i always fail and get the same reasoning: "didnt like the sight".
first i tried the second option "present whole body" => was only 10% succesfull; didnt like the sight.
then i thought, maybe with this option there are too many other things he dont like and they reduce the overall "score". i reloaded and picked "preent crotch" => was only 33,3% succesfull; didnt like the sight.
i reloaded and then chose the option "present breasts". the npc loves huge breasts, my character has huge breasts, so this should be quite succesfull, right? well, no: was only 20% succesfull; didnt like the sight.
after that im just confused. am i missing something? can someone explain it to me?
thank you very much in advance.
hi dev.
ive finished the game and i really like it. i have some questions, i hope you can answer:
1.) what exactly do the guilt bar represent? mybe you can explain it to me?
=> depending on the level ofthe guilt bar, will it be responsible for certain events in the future? e.g. will a full guilt bar lead to an bad end OR will it lead to an automatically confession of MC?
2.) i personal was a little confused what the percentage of each skill means. to clarify: if i have 10% in a stat, does that mean MC is bad in that skill or is MC considered professional in each skill and each percentage number means she is getting more skilled? i hope you undertand what i mean ;)
3.) at the end of the version i checked the "final" stats i had with my companions and was wondering: if i choose the romance option with a character, that would mean that i "loose" the options that would increase the friendship bar. does this mean i can end up with high romance but low friendship? will there be an option (maybe when the relationship becomes official) that the friendship bar automaticly increases?
=> in my playthrough i had gabriel at 40% friendship (i think it said something about "he is your good friend" or somehting like that) and i only chose the friendly options; while i decided to romance lyth (chose mostly romance options and being friendly to him) and in the end only had 27% friendship.
again, really like your game, thank you for your game.
i really like this game so far. i have one question:
do i always have the benis-module equipped to avoid missing unisque scenes? e.g. if i talk to an npc without having the benis-module equip, can i miss a sex scene?
since i would prefer to use the crotch-module, but also dont want to miss anything.
thank you in advance
hi Ramona,
was thinking of supporting you and the game on patreon, but i have some questions:
will talking about the 5€ tier
1.) are the once-a-month sidestories retroactive avaiable? so will i have access to all past stories if i support now?
2.) commisions are like: you ask an artist for something & pay, then the artist deliever, right? if so, what does early access mean in that context?
im sure you hear it enough, but it still amazes me how captivating your writing is. last time i played was when chapter 8 was released, and 1.) im sure i could roughly retell the story from memory and 2.) can still "conjure up" the hate i had towards the mother of MC.
hi everyone.
after playing the game for some time i want to give you, dev, some suggestions:
1.) e.g. after you cook something in your hut you have the option to a) "return" or b) return to hut. i still dont know exactly why we have these two options. i think only the "return to hut" option would be necessary.
2.) i like the modesty-concept, but i have the feeling, that its currently still sometimes bugged/not working. for example: when assistingthe blacksmith, he sometimes make advances and with high enough modesty, the MC blocks it. sometimes it reduces the modesty, but sometimes it doesnt. same thing with all other things (merchant, street performer). so maybe you could add more thigns to reduce modesty by more than 1 point. i started with over 100 modesty and in combination with only reducing it by 1 + sometimes it wotnt count, it feels like a uncomfortable long grind.
idea=> street performing reduces modesty by an increasing amount, depending how much modesty you have: so with high modesty you reduce itby only 1, at certain milestones you reduce it by more (roleplay wise you show more and more skin/dance more seductivly/...) dont know if that is already ingame, didnt street perform much since i had low stats = only made 5 gold
3.) small one: the game/goat talks about breast/butt/lip size as levels. maybe you could add these levels besides the descriptions.
=> breastsize: ample (lvl 3)
4.a) i think it wouldnt hurt if you could add how many skill-XP you earned by doing a specific task. right now i cant be sure if and for what a task gives me XP. so adding something like: you succesfully hunt a rat (+1 survival XP) would help solve the problem.
b.) also adding a XP-bar/progress for each skill/something similar would be helpful. e.g. each skill has a link which opens the XP-bar/progress looking like: 2XP/10XP for level up.
==> in case this doesnt work with the current system you could make it that as soon as you reach a certain level (like level 25 in survival) hunting for lower animals no longer give you any XP, so you are forced to hunt bigger (and potential more dangerous) animals to earn XP.
5.) small one: if you click on a tab in the sidebar (like appearance/personality/...) you have a back-button, which will do the same as the back arrow and only rolling back one "action". i think it would be better if the back-button would be renamed to "back-to-the-game" and would bring you back to the current scene.
=> if you currently in your farm hut and click on appearance, then you click on the "back-to-the-game"-button it would bring you back to your farm hut
i really like your game and i think it has potential.