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Glad to hear you're doing fine! And yes, social anything can be... "fun." Ooh, Christmas art is very nice and Halloween updates can be at any time of the year, FYI! Sort of an unwritten rule that Halloween and Christmas stuff can show up any time, any place in video game land. (I'm looking at you, Super Mario World.) It also almost always is met with appreciation and joy!


Exactly.  Both the absolutely-not-at-all-ugly sweater and Mating Sprig must be in the game at some point.


Haha, if I wind up making a special Christmas episode this year I'll be sure to keep them in!


Halloween's my favorite holiday so I was pretty bummed to miss the deadline, but I'm pretty eager to get this special episode ready! I was considering changing the mood a little bit since I'd be posting outside of Halloween, but when you put it that way I think I'd be happier keeping it as is!


Nah. Entire games can be built around the holidays. One of the James Bond games has you "saving new years" And plenty of games have Halloween or Christmas DLCs that essentially add things in like "winter" golf courses, or halloween horror content... etc. etc. They're enjoyed all year around.
For something like this, even if the "deadline" has been missed. For a lot of us, we can easily be transported "back to halloween" just by seeing the update and content you have at the time. So long as you can maintain your vision for BFS9 - Halloween Edition, so can we! As long as you're feeling the pumpkins. Or the Christmas sleigh bells. And can convey that on screen, you don't have to worry about deadlines. And designing seasonal content can be a really good way to maintain working on the title. It gives you framework to work off of without having to like... design content (say a sequel) from the ground up. And lastly, if it's a really good taste of the holidays? Then people will not only enjoy it when it comes out. They're replay it next Halloween and Christmas too! (I still like going back to Castlevania Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness just because they have unlockable halloween characters/costumes/abilities. That's how I ring in Halloween!)