Thanks Mandy! Totally agree with you here - I find having some insight into how other dev's work has performed to be really helpful, and would love to see more devs share this kind of info (although I understand why most don't!).
I was really surprised with how the fonts performed too, both in terms of income and downloads, but very glad people are enjoying them! I'd been expecting donations more in line with my music packs, so I've been a little overwhelmed at the support they've received, and very grateful.
As far as games go, I don't permit payments on any of mine at present - they're all very short jam games, often buggy and a little weird, and I wouldn't feel right allowing donations on these just yet. If I'm honest, I'm very nervous at the idea of charging for any games, as I'd want to make sure that anything I release commercially is up to a much higher standard than anything I've put out so far and always worry that I don't have an objective view on anything I'm working on.
One thing I'd be really interested to learn is how similar projects perform if they're released with minimum payment vs released with donations. With the fonts, for example, from 4434 downloads they received 120 payments, so around 2.7% of people made a donation - if I'd charged a small fee for each, how would this have affected the attention they received, total downloads and revenue?*
*(Just to clarify, I don't regret releasing them for free: I'm delighted that I've been able to share these with so many people, and being able to give them away was really rewarding for me. So many of the tools I rely on (Godot, GIMP, Blender etc.) are free, and while I'm not currently in a position to support them financially having another way to give back to the community is really important to me)
Apologies for the stream of conciousness response, I had a lot of stray thoughts left over from writing this up, apparently!
Best of luck to you too - Heist at the Museum was wonderful, and absolutely spot on with its message, so looking forward to seeing what you release next :)