Man, you gotta chill out. There's nothing that I said at any point that warranted such a verbose response, let alone so much passive-aggressiveness. Also so many assumptions: my playtime, me personally needing help with obsidian, me being a miser, my feelings towards the game, even my timezone (well, kinda, very indirectly). And only one of those was on point (yeah, I'm a cheap fuck and absolutely should throw a couple $ towards the game). Also here's how my mine notes look atm:
And I'm quite a bit further than first appearance of obsidian.
Anyway that's the last I respond in this chain. Not because I think that response is unwarranted but because I can't shake the feeling that we're going in circles. And also that we're locking horns for no reason - while I very much would prefer not to. You can throw a couple more eloquent insults calling me a moron if you so desire, but I have no beef with you. And I'm sorry if I offended you at any point.