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Ah! I hadn't see that post (I'll have to go find it now :D ) I suppose it makes sense that those contracts might prevent the Master and the guests of the hotel from getting sick, or lessening/ curing any existing sickness, but it would likely still harm Asterion considering the Labyrinth is meant for torture. 

It's strange sometimes I forget that the Labyrinth is still meant to be torturing Asterion, because I get too focused on how it has become the Hotel, which is meant to be a place of healing for others (at least that is what Asterion is trying to turn the Labyrinth into).


i would say it's a place to help those who are lost rather than healing. it gives different implications on what the hotel does. 

it's like saying a cemetery is a place of resting. people don't usually go there to relax.

That's a good analogy 😂