So I had a bit of a random shower thought earlier... I was wondering what would happen if you gave Asterion a DNA or ancestry test. He's technically a hybrid human and bovid, possibly some god DNA in there too from Poseidon?
My best guess is it would definitely show his human Cretean heritage from his mother. I am unsure about the rest though.
Then my mind had *another* idea, if Asterion is a hybrid (Human. Bovid, [God?]) does he also have a human style immune system? The hotel/labyrinth I think is some type of extra-dimensional space that's why P and Oscar had trouble finding it, and why it is able to appear anywhere for travelers. So Asterion may not have encountered some common illnesses because the realm is technically separate from our reality, only appearing and reappearing where it needs to... So, could Asterion get sick from the common cold, as an example, especially if he hadn't encountered that variant before?