it is awe inspiring how quickly you were able to get the game to this level after switching engines, excellent work! i had a blast blasting gobbos with my bow (and fist!)
the atmosphere is already on point. most notable for me was the chest opening sounds, the slow creek with the sound echoing across the red caves. very nice.
there were a couple of issues i had , which i thought were worth mentioning:
performance when the game loaded and for 2-5mins after was sort of wonky. sometimes everything worked, sometimes it would pause for 1 second. usually happened the first time a specific action was executed. cast fireball -> 1 second delay. cast it a second time, no issue.
there would be a screen-wide light flicker every now and then. probably tied to lights being culled or turned on someplace.
enemies had a long "react time" to me. i'd walk into a room, and they take a bit to activate.
otherwise, all was smooth.
the mapgen is surprisingly decent. the main thing i look for (which tok lacks!!) is interconnectivity - can you circle back to the start room only going forward? in your game, yes! that's a great sign. keep it up.
the little touches (animation to pick up, to drink, burp sfx) are all charming.
unsure if there is a next level, but i made it this far before stopping for now. we'll see if save+quit did it's job
great stuff! eager to see more.