that's a massive file size. reading through the data, it tells me you have *84* levels . you can always build to include only the levels available to the player, it'll bring down the file size and build faster.
i found the zombies and i died to them, then i got prompted to eat food.... there's food? where?
reading the comment here tells me there's a guard as well? i'm missing these things, it would seem. i am known to be blind, so that might be it.
either way, i think the best advice is to bring down the scope and scale massively. have a small section with content to help get the basics down, then expand the playable range
it's also crazy to me that you have a workable character editor, the results are of course what i would expect for an oblivion inspired game - absolutely goofy (in a good way)
the music and scenery are what i've come to expect from your content. i love them both, especially the rotten fish-scale looking skybox.
overall a fun trip. no idea what i expected and no idea what resulted, but i had fun the whole way. keep it up, but scope down first! it will greatly help you reduce burnout and stress. make it small, then take one step at a time and eventually expand.
eager to see more.