played for about 20 or so minutes. the music is very nice, sounds like something i'd listen to while devvin'. it's very loud, though. no options menu or volume controls?
works like a proper RTS. sort of drops you in blind, but i figured it out. WASD doesn't pan camera?
pathfinding breaks over short distances. if you need to go around a river, units will simply walk using the shortest line possible to the point you drew, and will stop at the first sign of an obstacle (aka the river). this only happens if the distance you request is too great. eventually my witch king got assblasted by a tower guarded by 4 krampuses. i had the default unit limit (31), but it didn't save me. feels a bit too grindy for a game that drops you in blind. otherwise i had fun.
the mixture of 3d and 2d was off-putting though, but that's how demos go.