I don't think you should have the intro movie play immediately upon the game loading. It feels like it jumps out at me and maybe I want to adjust the graphics or audio settings first?
Fantastic intro movie, love her expressions.
I'd like to be able to do maximized windowed because that allows me to see it on my full screen but I can easily jump back to my browser to type my thoughts.
So happy you got rid trying to time each reel. I ain't built for that kind of focus these days, I'm an oldfriend!
When the silver platter comes out, it should move slightly or have a shining effect, to indicate to the player they must click it to open it and see what they get. It would also be nice juice.
The "Enter" button for the gift shop is too small. Why don't I enter when I click anywhere on the gift shop?
It told me I got a hammer Symbol but now I don't see it... Edit: I understand now. It is available in the game but I don't get it. As someone who doesn't play roguelikes this confused me.
When I have the symbols window open, I'd like it if I could click outside of it to close it rather than having to click the top right icon again.
How do I use Perfume? Edit: oh I guess I need another symbol with Dissolve? I didn't realize that when I bought it.
You need SFX and music for Space Invaders!
I started another run. It told me I got a stinky cheese symbol. It looks like this symbol is bad because it heals the enemy? And then it says it applies poison to the opponent. Are "enemy" and "opponent" the same?
Is the slot machine completely randomized? I was trying to time the first reel but gave up.
It says the Bouncers are coming but it doesn't seem like they move each time.
Gave up after my second run. It's pretty hard. I sort of see how I can strategize it well but I don't think I'm patient enough to keep trying. But for fans of the genre I bet they'll love this.