The tutorial works just fine as a showcase of mechanics for levels that are yet to be designed, but as a tutorial for an actual game, it's almost silly how eager it is to introduce complexity only to do nothing with it. Mechanics like the soccer ball and enemies in general appear multiple times without ever serving any use. A lot of the tutorial prompts and even the controls themselves could be simplified in too many ways to list; you should really rework those levels if you want the average player to see the rest of the game.
Chase/run being tied to fixed right/left buttons rather than relative to which character is to the left is confusing.
Besides the matter of ladders for some reason resetting command states and having special commands associated with them, I'm not yet sure what you're going for with this command control scheme that wouldn't be achieved by controlling the characters separately.
I got stuck by falling here without the kid. Passwords take you to the beginning of the level that awards them rather than the next one so I'm not going back.
Overall, I don't see what you're going for with this game just yet. It's a bit of an amalgamation of props without any core idea to explore. If you want it to be about a narrative there didn't seem to be enough of that and I couldn't really tell what the props and environments were meant to convey in terms of a story.