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Hey matey. Great game!

I just got a problem that i can't jump while running to the left. Which is annoying for the ending. I just want to know if it was intentional or not cause it really slowed down my progress XD

Also :

Glad my gamer instincts made me find an easter egg :D

(6 edits)

Thanks for reporting the bug. Can you explain the can't jump while running left a bit more, please?
First time I am hearing about this problem. 

 Where in the game is this happening? Is it happening across multiple rooms or just a single room? Do you remember where you were and what you did when the behaviour started occurring for the first time or was it occurring from the very beginning of the game?  (this will be the most useful answer if it is a bug). Are you playing the game using a keyboard? Have you double checked its not a hardware issue like your keyboard or a controller for some odd reason? 

Well done finding the easter egg. Had you completed the game prior to finding the bug? Cheers.

Unfortunately I'm positive I can't finish the game due to the bug so no I haven't finished the game yet 😭

So. I'm playing on keyboard. And the key to running is x. However, when I'm pressing X and left, jumping does not work. When I'm running to the right I have no problem jumping while running!

It's happening everywhere in the game, no matter the room. Some rooms are just more problematic due to the bug.

As soon as I gained the ability to jump, the bug started. I just took some time to notice since the early game is mostly left to right.

I haven't checked if it's a problem with my keyboard. That's one of the reasons I commented the bug actually. I wanted to know if it was just a me thing. But the problem is so specific I thought it wasn't a hardware problem. Like. I can jump to the left. I can run to the left. I can run and jump to the right. I just can't run and jump to the left.

That is bizarre. Its the first time Ive heard of this and I cant reproduce it myself. Try restarting the game using the ROM and a GBC emulator and see if it happens again. No one else has mentioned this bug so I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I'll keep investigating.

Well I restarted my computer and hence my game data and the bug is still a thing. I am unsure as to how to use an emulator sorry 😭

But I mean. If the bug only causes ME problems, it ain't that bad. I just can't finish the game XD I'll still try my best but I've been stuck and hour on the double bubble jump to fight Mum. Not being able to run and jump to the left makes it hard lmao 🤣

I'm 90% sure it's your keyboard, not the game itself. Try on different one or on pad. 

I found the Issue! I was using the Z key to jump, ya know, cause it's the correct one. But actually, for SOME reason, the J key also allows me to jump. And for an even MORE confusing reason, jumping using J allows me to run and jump to the left. I have NO idea why that's happening but hey! I finished the game so yay :D

(Also, did musky rat survive? I hope he did T-T. Poor boi needs some headpats!)