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Let's talk real buisness.

can't get more than an S on mount basins by a few performance points thanks to that one dude. Won't spoil where he is, just know it's a little annoying challenging.

Got an X on all other levels exept the very first one, and there's a good reason for it: i'm missing one enemy, somewhere, somehow. I looked everywhere on the main path and couldn't find anything.

The interesting thing is that on that same first level is the only possible secret area i couldn't get to: all the way to the left is a pit with a holo-sign saying the area is unfinished, and telling me to "come back later :3". At the bottom of the pit is also some kind of door but i haven't found a way to open it yet. Standing on the highest part of the sloped door you can just barely see another sign. My theory is that i can somehow throw myself high enough to pass the wall and get to the other side or, hit the wall at mach6.9 and die a painful death to then reform just barely reaching the body of that one enemy i couldn't find, on the other side of the wall where i saw the sign.

Keep you all updated if i find something new, in the meantime, suggestions are more than welcome.



well i can tell you something that might help you, i have the same issue and i explored.

 there is a area where there is a big platform going across the room and one enemy is on it. there is a hole in the ceiling you can throw yourself into, and also get a gun to use as a object to throw yourself with. 

then you walk across a huge area, just keep walking. then you get to a wall with lights, use the gun to throw yourself over it.

 there is a area with some props and you drop down a bit and there is a big ramp, i used some objects to throw myself up that ramp and it leads to a vehicle tutorial area,

 there is also a crawlspace going under a door wich leads to a giant ocean area that leads to nowhere i believe. i died or soemthing while trying to explore more so i havent found a enemy but i feel like it might be there. actually i can try all of that again and see if i can find the enemy there. 


i found the last enemy! 

first i used a explosive barrel that i put on myself wich for somereason launched me high enough to get over the wall,

but now i found a easier method. basically go into windowed mode and squish your window wich sets it to like a super high view distance mode and that allows you to see the enemy from the locked off area, 

you then just need to die and can switch to it. it also is in a very advanced parkour area, i cheesed it a bit with gibs from my space flight but i mysteriously exploded after getting caught between a wall and platform it seems. looks like i need to do it legitimately this time

Very clever

Thank you so much, can't wait to try it!

no problem!, though issue with that tactic is that since there is one mandatory death in the tutorial you cannot die before. so i needed to get a new tactic

basically i have to squish the screen to get more view, then use levitation to go up the wall and grab the fence ontop midair, then i use it to launch myself as far as i can so i land in the ocean outside the garage area,

then use a box to go up again and use the fence on the exit of the water maze to safely land and go backwards,

fall down and walk to the secret enemy, and then kill them and throw their body on the platform above 

and use it then after walljumping up to levitate up the wall and use the fence to hopefully safely drop down on the door angle thingy and not die. then just do the tutorial without dying twice. i hope i explained it correctly

though it is very difficult to get to standing on the wall again since our character loves to ragdoll around :P one of the ways that sometimes works is to get stuck on the fence and wait to go into walk mode. it took me a long time though

i hope that helps! 

oh and the extra large view helps see some funny secrets aswell. 

i do feel sorry for spamming this comment section though >w<

Awesome, i'll try to X rank it too, thanks for the route.

This whole thing definitely wasn't intended and i apologize to the dev for spoiling what will probably be part of the next update.

that being said, X rank i'm coming

haha indeed, i apologize aswell for also helping spoil that , but it was a ton of fun to explore secret areas, it felt so mysterious and cool. and i wish you the best with getting that x rank!


And here I was doing some crazy stuff to get there... this is so much simpler than what I figured out lol


okay after doing the parkour it leads to the weird garage area i found earlier, though i am not super sure how to get that way back as it is just a giant empty room, (probably what the under construction is about) but maybe breaking 2 boxes to get 2 guns and then using the first one to get on the first ledge and then the other to get up the other ledge. though the second one is a lethal drop so i am not quite sure how to get up that far safetly (probably cant) also i dont know how to spoiler these texts :(


i managed to X rank the tutorial, it was a quite unconventual and painful experience 

Can't... wait to.. try it?