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I know it is not very useful for everyone, but my problem is that my pc do not has the MSVCR100.dll file (that what it says when I run Mindustry), and it's very hard to find a solution whitout pay a software who "fixes" my computer and I don't like this.

If anyone knows about this problem and knows a solution, give it to me please.(I'll give more details if someone replies and claims to have an answer)

Thank you in advance and sry for my english.


Hey! I just searched my computer for the file and it ships with a lot of programs. If you have Arduino, Minecraft, Microsoft Office, Tor Browser, Kindle, or Java JDK/JRE installed, you have a copy of it. Just drop it in C:\Windows\System32 and it should work. I think.

I have Arduino, Minecraft and Java, I'll try it thx.


Are you running an old version? That DLL is packaged in the zip right next to the Mindustry executable file; you shouldn't have any issues with it.

I know, I know but it don't work and I don't know why, that is why I'm here. And as Suros says, the difference between my both pc is that my pc who reborn doesn't have its files.

So, I'll try his solution and I'll tell if that resolve my problem.

Thanks anyway


MSVCR100 is short for Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime 2010. Go to Microsoft's official download page and get it there. Do not trust a random site to give you legitimate, untampered libraries.

(1 edit)

So, It works and when I launch the game it doesn't say me that there are files missing, but now it says :

I'm sorry but I really want to play :/

Try putting that crash report on pastebin. Should help out a bit.

if you havent got it fixed email me at and I can walk you through getting it going...