Thank you, those are all very valid points. Crouch is something I implemented, thinking the player might want to sink down faster, but ultimately the levels are too small and the enemies don't lend themselves to using that sort of movement. It also isn't really needed otherwise, since the player will always fit in gaps regardless.
Rebinding keys would be something I should have added if it wasn't for the time constraint (and my wish to create all code by myself rather than use others assets), but there are so many spots where I wanted to do more polish and ultimately add more content... That's jams for you haha!
I am really glad you enjoyed the game, even so much so that you went for another run!
Since I was livestreaming the progress and had a few people test the game for bugs for me, I was thinking I'd let a bunch of folks just draw maps (they are PNGs with colored pixels determining the map layout and placements) and add them as a selectable list, but I felt that would have gone against the overall idea of doing it as a sole developer!
Again, thank you for your kind words, they made my day!