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I can also choose to criticize what I see as a low effort and low quality alternative to actually putting in the work. This game could be good but the AI art and voices are so low quality and uncanny valley that it ruins the vision you may have had


You have the right to express your opinion/critique whatever you want! The game clearly isn't for you, and that's completely valid, tastes and preferences vary. What may seem low quality and effort to you might be liked and supported by others. The game is in development, and whenever we can improve it, we will, because we want to bring the best we can with the knowledge and budget we have. Regards.


To be fair to the creator, it's clear that even if this is AI art, they at least didn't leave it unedited with the gross hands and other abnormalities common to AI generated people.

Dev, the only thing I would say is that some of the images need to be more consistent with the others and the scale/size of objects sometimes don't make sense (Example being in the bathroom with the shower being tiny compared to the rest of the room, even with perspective in mind).

I found nothing was uncanny; the characters were nice and the general story is fine.