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Hey nice graphics, you put a lot of effort in your renders! Also love what the sky looks like. I did find the game a bit too hard given the millimetric precision required to catch cows,  while I get that you made it the point of the game, I would still look at developing some sort of help for the player (either by accepting lazo throws within X px from the target or by enabling a sorta of timing grid).

Looking forward to further development! 😊

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and commenting! Actually I did not make much effort in rendering, maybe it looks good because of the grass texture and the sky box, both of which I downloaded from Unity asset store. I noticed the sky box somehow had different lighting so the cowboy looks more blue. For the gameplay, you do not need millimetric precision to capture the cow. Actually I already made the lasso much larger compared to the initial version. But you are making a very good point that such gameplay needs simplification, that’s also what I want to do in the future versions! Thanks again for such detailed comment and suggestion!