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(3 edits) (+6)(-1)

I f'ed everyone except the mother. Here's everything I know. Not sure  how important the order is but you probably want to activate the evil apple last.

1. Zookeeper is already dtf.
2. Use the can opener on the door, then you can f the girl.

1. Try to f the jogger. Use the stone on the apple. Now you can f her.
2. Show the jogger's shorts to the girl in the tree, then click on the bench and f her.

1. Take your pen. Click on the teacher and the dialog until you're alone with the girl. Speak to her, let the pen drop to the floor and f her.
2. Click on the teacher. After her first sentence you take a step forward. Use your dick on yourself. The teacher comes to you. Show her the girl's panties. She goes on her knees and you can f her.

Train Station:
1. Take the glass shards next to you and use them on the sun. Now you can f the hooker.
2. You can f the pizza girl after you activate the evil apple.

1. Take the carpet knife on the left and threaten the girl with it multiple times. At the end you can f her.
2. After you activate the evil apple you do the same again except that you kill her in the end.

Activate evil apple:
1. Go to the school and click 8x times on the apple. Your dick now turns into a green thingy which unlocks previously mentioned scenes.
2. When you use the green thingy on yourself you go to hell. When you click on the girl you die. When you click on yourself the screen turns black (only on web, bug?).

Other hints that may be important:
1. Mother praises you if you show her the bloody knife. This only seems to work in the web version, not on Win.
2. At home on the cupboard there's that thing with a red, a green and a blue ring. Maybe you need to get a red and a blue thingy as well.
3. After you get killed in hell the faces of 3 girls keep flashing on and off.
4. The vending machine has a dialog.

PS: There are still a lot of bugs. You can click on the apple in the park multiple times until it drops out of the screen. You can talk to blonde girl after that and it bugs out. 

hitbox on the apple has been bad for a while, actually all of the hitboxes are worse than I'd like. as for bugs I don't know how they popped up on the latest version, thank you for telling me I will try and fix them soon(new project will be coming out first though)