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Yua Nizu

A member registered Apr 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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kinda, had to quit making this game because it wasn't preforming well. so the ending just kinda is

the bag in the GUI and sewing machine in the starting room?

you're clearly talking about a different game DX there is no meter there or anywhere in this game

this game doesn't even have any meters or a grid, if you are so incapable of having any level of mental processing you are either so young that you shouldn't be playing my games or so mentally challenged that you are not capable of playing any games

mad cuz bad, if someone can't figure out how to click the giant sparkles on screen that's not my fault

sewing machine is in the starting room

Bag to open your inventory, you can get clothes from either shopping or crafting it at the sewing machine

there's a small quest tied to it in V2, not in the free version yet

not a feature yet, might add it at some point but I don't see a reason to as it's all pixel art

sew one

being ugly relates to the looks skill, you train that at the forest. stat training shouldn't cap out, after some time your character stops and the action needs to be preformed again just like in something like runescape

whatever output you device is using it will use. there is a mute button and that's all

look around the cams, new girl

considering how there is no yellow items that may be the case. will keep that in mind for other projects


Working as intended, there is more

the mom is doable

link gets a bit skrewy, copy paste it instead of clicking

once you enter a level you're stuck there, most puzzles dont use items from other levels so if you really wanna leave there's no penalty to just restarting

ok plot twist, the link way alway working, I just pasted it into wrong. if you copy paste it into your web browser it work*facepalms*

ah figured out what was wrong, will be fixed for real now

portal is paid version only

updating the link now

? bug maybe, if it's in the main room clicking it should make it go away

written in the description. you gotta click them in the right spot a few times

error message would indicate that something else you have installed is the problem, alternatively check were you are installing it to and if any files are there

Updated the link, no idea what happened

do have stuff like that planned, first 2 days will be simple. also you explained exactly why the cameras are there(at least for now) seeing the art and few Easter eggs in the cameras is enough motivation for me playing, since the first 2 days will be easy you have plenty of time to be looking around for things

Ohhh, thank you for the idea. cgs would actually be super easy to add in and would fit great for some stuff I'm planning

just been using standard game maker for this, does the same happen for my other projects? if it's just this one then I might need to dig a bit more


there is no reason to continue after that point, the things there don't connect to anything else so a fresh 'save' can do everything just as well

the portal is for the premium exclusive content, it's there from the start so people can go straight into it. the stuff there is non cannon fluff for the sake of having exclusive content

1 for each slot in the shrine box

if any bar gets too low

if lust stays too high

not using the toilet enough

that's every mistake

oh yep, typo

felt like this game was simple enough to not need one, the only info you need to get every kink is that making too many mistakes does lock you out of half of them and the other half require the actions that cause mistakes

if it said the word ending then you found then ending, if not there is something more to do

the ending has the word end on screen, you'll know if you found it

I really want to but that is a lot of work to do in terms of assets, so likely not possible