A bit late to trying this VN, but here is what I see/say/comprehend:
Glad to have content filters, even if I have no need for them, having options like this feels good.
So they treat their wives rough? Sheesh!
Love the ear movements!
To be named after your own species/ethnicity... ugg...
Guh? Who you calling a lady! Oh wait lad y ! X3 (Damn English...)
Unless the command is immoral..., but I don't think that will happen.
Uhm... when was the introduction to this Samuel?
I don't do well with confrontational situations, but the bigger issue is knowing if its serious or just in fun (fake)...
Being serious and being uptight are not the same thing, I'd rather have pleasant fun, while not in a serious situation mind, then to deal with someone who has an air of making other suffer. In either case, fun or serious, don't take it too far! I'd rather have a happy doggy!
Wait is he African Wild Dog or a Painted Dog??? Which?
Wondering what MC looks like? No mirror yet though.
Glad to be near sited, I like to be able to see details up close, but being far sighted has its perks too!
Now that what I wish more for, those who have higher status willing to pay heed to those below them. To recognize each others efforts in make each others lives be able to continue as they are. Poor make wealthier richer, so in turn rich use those gains to help keep the poor going and happy. In either direction the efforts to make the other happy, help to keep the other productive too. Its all in about using what you have to show you care, and willing to help.
Given prior dialogue, I'm hoping cats and dogs can get along!
Pup? I thought we were kitten? Meh doesn't matter much!
Love that sause too! I favor sweet and sour things or generally I aim for better than bittersweet.
Does kindness always have to kill others? Maybe it does when all you know of is hardship or making things hard on others... It helps to be know/be told when its time to leave something alone for the time being, not always easy to tell, not always easy to follow..., but it overlaps with trying to understand others... try once... try twice... a third time though is when you make or break. Then again even I have difficulty explaining myself at times. Above all else is our perceptions impacting our actions and reactions. When things get heated, just need time to think apart... Doesn't help to be interjecting in situations you do not have full understanding of... which is why I find it important to ask questions and not fling assumptions.
I take it my favorite kind of falcon here is not fully arted?
Hope that wasn't any sort of route selection right there, but he doesn't seem too upset/upsetting, just need to ease into it.
Dah! Don't overthink things!!!! DXD
Since he was grumpy I decide to go with... Noodles! :3 (Because of observation about his tail ^^;)
Hard to wake up nicely when you are being forced awake...
While it would be lovely, if he is that much a novice, what good will come of forcing him? I'm really loving how the characters are balanced so that you can (not SHOULD, just hat you can) agree with them on some things and not on others! Be too pushy and you will get resentment and push back after all! And noddles even apologies! <3
To humble and be humbled, both without even a tinge of resentment, tone and phrasing are key. Afraid to lose dignity and self respect perhaps? I could think of far less pleasant people to be around than noddles!
Hrm... in this case, would it hurt to ask? Hrm... knowing skills is important... I hardly know many for real. huh... just like my dad... he tells me to be careful, yet he is the one who keeps hurting himself :/ Urk.. I'd wish to help..., but in this case it feels more like an order AND there are others around to help anyway. If bad events start to form a pattern, then it becomes hard to think there could be anything else but the conclusion drawn. The only way to beat psudeo evidence is with hard evidence and facts. Its even more of a struggle when accusations start flying back and forth. Find the route of the problem(s) else all remotely involved will pay eventually... *clenches and sighs* and then the problem just festers, grows, and infects... This is how munity and revolution happen, it all starts with something small that ignored or overlooked, when it then turns to widespread speculation... We may not be responsible for the sins that come from those before us, but we are just as guilty if we let it continue or repeat and enforce the same mistakes, and it becomes hard to tell anymore who is innocent and guilty of what... just one big mess like a rigged powder keg with dynamite strapped, along with countless fuses and a inverse game of chicken where the winner is also the loser...
Oh so that is the stripes! Doctor Stripes! Again wish could stay more, but when it comes to work, work should come first, as long as any concerns are being addressed and well cared for! It is possible to take things seriously and still be emotional after all!!!
Can't blame the guy for the quip..., but I'm not quite sure now is the time! If it weren't for being surrounded by all this water I spray him! XD ... Whack a lizard??? Now this is interesting turn of events! Glad something can be common ground! Manned is fine for now, lets have fun!
(I just want to boop their snoots! Such amazing artist you got! ^^)
Woah a CG for this! Nice! Teeff! Smiles and grins! Oh interesting getting the choice to twist our own fate!!! That a first for VNs! (That I've seen) Hrm... I may be upset, but I can't just go around DEFYING everything...
Cat Call??? X3, darn! Get to see MC but only bits, can't even tell what sort of cat he is or even the face! You know just how to tease!!!
I wouldn't join in on a bet like this, but for the VN it feels right. The funny part when you sperate your head from the MCs head at times. Seriously agreeing on giving HIM the most middle numbers? If it wasn't in fun it be a death wish!
Lady Luck or Lad y Luck? X3 HAHAHA! That classic comedy/psychological trick! XD Hrm.. Choices Choices..., my issue is not knowing just how much does Kitty know? Wouldn't want to gossip, but saying something like this in their face could also be an issue... not knowing how Kitty will spin things is troubling to know what is wrong or right... but that could be just it, there may be no right or wrong answer here! So lets not say what already known about us three and go with the two others, eh? Seriously dude? (Well then again you guys got me interested in nearly all of you already! Damn fine!) Horsy is uptight, but I can't say right now its unreasonable!
Valiant... Valiant but tainted... While I seek purity/consideration/consent, anywhere I go ends up eventually succumbing to everything but that... the good name of something named, being ruined by its own people... its horrible how ignorant we are of our masses... and the voices of the concerned are stifled..., times may change, but throwing everything out is not the answer either..., combine tradition and solid foundations with newer concepts, else something is bound to crumble from lack of proper support, like a house of cards, or the foundations crack and everything is chaos from no longer being recognizable, this the point of balance and being slow and steady, no jumping and no forcing, take time and not demand things change, make things change, by showing just how the new can still embrace the old, and in turn prove its not that different, conflict only divides.
The difference between "cat naps" and something like "trash panda" is that naps came before cats, but raccoons came before before trash cans. One is something universal among all living things, a semi physical "concept" needed to "live" that is then applied to something that seem to enjoy doing said activity. The other however is applying something man made and physical to something that was already scavenger to being with, let alone the term trash or garbage is inherently negative as it means something that has outlived its use (to its owner anyways). This why referring to Raccoons as "trash pandas" I find insulting, for you are then branding them for something that is your own fault. Using both these logics and discrepancies though I need help to realize and differentiate from the and possible dualities of bigger pictures, how do they apply to both general concepts and specific scenarios? This is what I as much as those who are in opposition of things may struggle to understand, what came first? What is the origin? What is the history? It would do wonders to help clear things up for EVERYONE.
Ah nice a spot to come back to later! Great! I don't deserve what is planned here yet anyway! ^^; Maybe another time!
Oh and I know we get to name MC, but still needs a record in the logbook on the main menu! Just need the name to be something like MC in brackets or quotes? Since we do not have control over the backstory anyways! Right?