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I really get you mate. And i feel you. Like some decisions have no consequences whatsoever. (Like sending Yet Yet to adventure despite hi being a child. I thought one day he'd die, killed by a demon or something. But nope. He either came with friends or with money. Same for the knight. Either you get nothing, or you get 250 gold. Why say no?)

The main problem i have is that characters don't really have a memory so they never know what you did before (Except for story lines.) Which means that if you make a wrong decision, no problem! You can just answer the other thing next time you see that npc!

I never got punished ever for selling my inhabitants to chester for example. Or for making the robber rob people for me, give her the key to the rich part of the city. Nope, nothing. There is a huge lack of consequences for bad decisions.

(Another, smaller problem is that characters will ALWAYS react the same way if you answer the same thing. I get it would've been a pain to program but like. I would've liked it if one time grandma told me "You really think everything is gonna be okay? You always say that sonny... Do you even realize what really happens down here in the city?")