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(1 edit) (+1)

Neat game.  Very bones, but playable from start to finish which is an accomplishment (my game did not get past a demo of the intro plus some buggy gameplay :(). Is that the old pivot animator character? Never made a game with it, but always thought it was neat. I hope you have good luck with future games :)

Some bugs (you may already know). I played a second time deliberately missing coins and had only 2 when I met blue man, yet pressing yes still allowed me to give him five. At the end of the game, it said he doubled them to 10, but the total said 8 (about the # of coins I hit by mistake.)


First of all, Thank you for trying out the game :). 
And yes, I used Pivot Animator 5 For creating the Player character animations. I agree that it is a pretty good software for creating stickman animations in my opinion.

As for the bugs, thanks for informing me about it. I did feel that something like that could happen but I was nearing the deadline when creating the game (A bit of procastination habit of mine caused this) so I didn't pay much attention to it. I should have done more playtesting which I obviously will from next time.