Lol I didn't expect the vocals to come in after the tutorial. Amazinggg!
Overall very nice game concept but super difficult! Took me a minute to understand the "extra power" mechanic and the yellow number in the top left of buildings. I think this would have been more intuitive if expressed graphically with a bar, or lightning bolt icons that fill up or deplete based on how much you have.
Crossing Guard character seemed fun and was my first choice, but it ended up being almost impossible to get my city started. Poles seem to be OP and I had none! I would barely have enough money to place a powerplant before the first building overloaded the grid. Mayor Slough was also surprisingly difficult, as my grid got tangled up pretty quickly and then got some unlucky building placements. I was doing pretty well with Party Animal too, but still couldn't beat level 1. Finally gave it one last try with Spokesman, and he proves the theory: Pole Strat OP!! Got to level 3 before I realized it might just be restarting each time and not actually progressing. Had fun though, it's a test of quick clicks and reflexes!
Overall it was a blast to play! As a fan of Mini Motorways this was definitely my kind of game. Enjoyed how polished and cohesive the game was, and how each character truly gave a unique twist to how you play the game. I enjoyed trying them all. Excellent work!