I am the creator behind The Secret of Langton Manor - an episodic print-and-play escape room game that combines intriguing puzzles with a rich narrative set in a mysterious old mansion. The game is designed for 1-4 players and offers a blend of physical gameplay and a digital component to verify the solutions and provide hints. Each episode brings the players deeper into the manor's enigmatic history and offers about 1-2 hours of play.
For the current "Smol Games" jam, I'm working on a mini game titled "The Diary of John," which is set in the same universe. It is a compact single-page, single-player adventure in a mini-zine format that serves as a prequel to the main story. Players will uncover the backstory of John, a key character in the Langton Manor series, through his diary entries. It is designed to be a quicker experience, lasting approximately 5-15 minutes, with fewer and simpler puzzles than the main game.
Thank you for this opportunity to share my work with such a creative community!