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Very nice game, I also was confused by controls, there is no control explanation, I only understood what to press based on comments here. It should be nice to have button that speed things up if everything is clear and I can be fast enough to manage flow

Hey! Thanks for playing 😊 From my playtesting I didn't find anyone who found the controls tricky/confusing so it's good to get a wider audience and feedback on this now! Can I ask if you got the popup on level two which says 'Press 1'? This was designed to be a safety net for people who potentially missed the controls but I'm starting to worry this is bugged!

I really like the idea of a button that speeds up the electricity once you've essentially beaten the level. I'll add this to my Trello for future development of Fuseless!

No, I didn't, nothing happens, it just starts level

Ah man, that must be bugged. If you don't press 1 for the first 10 seconds on level 2 it should pop up and say 'Press 1' to make sure people don't miss it!

Thanks for letting me know

(1 edit)

ah 10 secs. I would recommend to change it to 1 sec) Now I see it, I probably missed it completely first time. Information like that should be sown in front I belive, because when you fully in game, you tend to pay less attention to perifery 

Yeah I timed it so it would pop up just before you had to move the electric diverter. The idea behind it was to give people a chance to work it out for themselves but inform those people that didn't work it out.

I'll be sure to make it more prominent for my future development of the game as it's a crucial thing for people to miss for sure!