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Hi Shitar, I'm glad you like the game.

> I've had a bug with the same popup dialogue with Zanata telling me we split and see in Ben Dabi. This popup is supposed to happen once but it was showing again allways at the same location, followed by the game quitting. Things were ok as long as I was voiding this location.

That bug was fixed in 1.8

>I am sometimes a bit annoyed by the visualization of the soldiers on the map. In some very few cases (mostly small buildings  and / or small rooms / small corridors) For these cases I would like to switch the visualization to another  axis that is not available. Besides, I got used to this little inconvenience and it's not something that would stop me from playing.

Actually, you can flip the camera angle from the HUD (also by pressing 'F' and 'V' keys)

>Also not a big deal but I guess it would be better with roadsigns readable from both sides (I send pictures for showing).

You're right, I need to improve the signs.