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The use of the limitation isn’t quite as deep or interesting, as it is just a post-processing filter + stylistic choice rather than a mechanic or something that affects the gameplay meaningfully. You could’ve had a different filter on, and it would be the same game. Maybe the idea of “three colors of light combining” could be used to reveal /hide parts of the level, or be used with the prisms to unlock puzzle-like elements?

The heavy chromatic aberration combined with the perspective camera actually made it quite infuriating to do the jumps because of the foreshortening on the platforms. The controls and collisions were also quite janky, and the wall jumps were pretty hard to time and rarely worked when intended.

Props for the escape to exit for a full screen game, though (I think this one of the only full-screen games I’ve been able to exit normally). I also did enjoy the level design a lot (they were challenging, varied, but also balanced when the physics worked right). It was pretty fun until I got stuck at the 3 corridors where the bombs chase at you straight on.

actually its not a chromatic filter and there was no post processing used. I used 3 lights (red, green, blue) pointed them at 3d objects, put a canvas behind it and the camera between the 3d objects and the canvas. The entire game is a shadow play of 3 lights pointed at 3d objects filmed on a canvas. So i put alot more effort into implementation of the theme than you thought. Since light is the way i thought making a trippy shadowplay with the 3 main colors for white would be a nice idea.