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Hey ! thank you very much for all the feedbacks !

For the lumberjacks catching on fire. they catch on fire when the tree they are currently working on catch on fire. but 100% agree it's not clear or even explained anywhere. I need to rework that ^^

Can I ask you what version you used (windows/web) for the minimap bug ?  and your screen size/resolution ?
This minimap took me so long to implement & debug... I need to know why it's not working for some ^^

The purple/grey circle is actually just visual effect to represent burning grass. but you're not the only one that got confused by it.

The tree fire radius is actually part of the tutorial. might need to rework that step if you missed it :/

Zooming out would indeed be really cool. might add that after the jam.

Thanks again for the feedbacks ! :)


Nice, I was using the web version, and my screen resolution is 3840 x 2160.

Thank you :)