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I liked your game. The main mechanic of both our games is very similar yet different in the way we choose to use it and the way it is affected by the other mechanics in our games. The level design was good in most of the levels. Level 7 was probably my favorite. It has a very simple design, and it's not that hard to beat, but it communicates to the player perfectly how to solve it after making them fail one or two times, which makes it satisfying to solve, and it teaches you how to use the portals better. I liked the portals they add many interesting puzzle design possibilities, but there is no indication of what portal connects to what portal (or if there was I missed it, and it needs to be clearer like coloring the connected portals the same color) which makes going through a portal feel random. Randomness is a feeling you want to avoid when making a puzzle game, the player needs to know what are the rules and use their knowledge of them to beat the puzzles. If you enter a portal and don't know where it leads it makes the level feel not like a puzzle but a sequence of random decisions (the feeling of randomness and frustration was at its worst in level 8 where you had to just enter portals and hope for the best). There was also a problem of focus too much of the game was spent introducing new mechanics instead of exploring the already established mechanics the way they work and how they interact with each other. If the number of mechanics was reduced and instead of adding new mechanics you tried to make more levels pushing the base mechanics to their limit and only then introducing another mechanic your game would have gained more focus and the levels a better design. I liked the game and played it to the end, the different mechanics were interesting, but the game was all over the place. It just needs more focus. My review came out a bit rambly but I hope you find it useful

(2 edits)

Thanks, your feedback is really constructive! I agree with your comment on the portals. I had been pondering about how to present them exactly for quite a while. Personally I like that you can't see the portal pairs directly, because that opens up a few level designs. I will experiment with this going forward, and try to communicate which portals to take through my level design. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that :)

Only thing I want you to know is that there is a hint on the screen to help you solve level 8. Let me direct your attention to the  "18" near the flag. I'd like to hear if you can get it with that information! 

I also completely agree with you that the different mechanics are introduced much to quickly hahah. That is mostly because I wanted to show off as much from my idea as possible for the sake of the game jam. The finished game will be much slower pace.

 "I liked the game and played it to the end" --> Puts a smile on my face ;)


ok I get it 18 in binary


is that right?
