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A Space Station 13 Botanist's worst nightmare.

Was able to make it through the whole thing once I got the hang of how to spread Kudzu.

Fun to spread kudzu around and felt good to crush a line of bugs with the kudzu ball, but there were a couple things that stuck out to me.

The most egregious thing was performance. At the start it runs fine, but by the end my framerate was in the low 10's.

As for the game itself, I feel like the kudzu ball could use more range. It feels like the skill necessary to hit far away targets shouldn't cause any balancing issues. Also is there an ability for the R button? It never lit up for me so I wasn't sure if it bugged and wasn't letting me use it or if it just wasn't implemented. If there was no ability, I feel like an AoE spin attack with a longer cooldown would've been a great fit for it.

Overall it was fun spreading kudzu around!


Quite literally the ability for a spin was our idea for 'R', it's even in the game doc! However, we weren't able to get it in time. The performance was very tough to work around with all of our spawned items. Near the end, there are almost 30k items on the map. We did do quite a bit of work for performance. 

LOTS of lessons learned in unreal for performance on this one :D

totally agree on all your feedback, thanks for playing!