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Pizza Crust Games

A member registered Nov 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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good call! we'll look into it :)

totally understand :) thanks for visiting the page!

Wow this game is unbelievable. What an achievement. My only feedback would be to lock the cursor to the viewport :). Great job!!

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Wow what a great product, well done! I love all the screen shake and juicy bits.

thank you so much for playing, you're amazing!

Those enemies are going to haunt my reams LOL. I really liked the look, the models were all REALLY well done. I especially like the cool menu. I think when I was playing I was having issues w/ the mouse going off my screen to another screen, perhaps you need to lock the mouse to the game? Anyways, I think this was well done. It felt well put together.

225 high score! What a neat game. The NES vibes are off the charts, well done! I loved the implementation of the theme.

The game, vibe, pixel art, and animations are all really neat. It is one of the more visually pleasing games I've played so far. I think my issue is it's not super intuitive how to play. Perhaps it would be better in the beginning to provide more feedback, for example when I get a "can't place that there" sound, to show why. In some cases this happens, like placing your castle. But when placing a house, it doesn't. I think with some improved UI this could really be something though, I would keep going with it!

This is a really cool concept, and the theming is hilarious :D. It requires skill and dexterity, and visually has a cool old school windows vibe / feel to it. Nicely done.

Way to get your first game shipped! That's something to be proud of. One small thing I might suggest is that the abilities on the left and right be staggered more, not the same numbers on each side. For example, 25, 100, 400 on the left, 50, 75, 500 on the right. It might give some more choices :). All around for a first time solo effort, you did great.

this is really satisfying! I like the effects on the hexes, and i found myself getting stressed out trying to manage everything... in a good way :). i would have liked if when I "section" off a chunk it somehow went away. i found myself wanting to create efficient cuts from the main body of hex's, but not having them go away made me feel like it wasn't as smart as I thought it was.

this is a pleasant game with charm, and the core loop is really satisfying! i enjoyed figuring out how to optimally put out the fires. i settled on focusing multiple villagers on a block of fire at a time to snuff everything out. nicely done!

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Nicely done! really smooth controls. i wish there was a way to kill ships behind me early on in the game. but the music is cool, and overall a well packaged game! the gouping away of the shields is super satisfying.

totally agree on all your feedback, thanks for playing!

👀 those eyes will haunt dreams

absolutely a fair critique. The biggest miss in this slice is the fact that the bugs don’t stop spawning in an area at any point. If you get overwhelmed it’s impossible to keep up. Great feedback, thanks for playing!

A really cool minimalist approach. The implementation of the music is creative!

A great concept, perfect implementation of the jams theme! I like the music, and the art is really fun. And nice logo! well done overall.

Such a wholesome game :)

Thanks for giving it a go! Once you get behind the bugs can get out of control... thanks a lot for the feedback! -Corey

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pause music muffling is a slick touch! music is really good too. nice job!

it was really fun watching you on stream building this game! the art on the cards is SUPER cool... one piece of feedback is that the card text is a little hard to read, maybe in future game adding a zoom in feature for cards could help.. plus I want to see that cool card up more up close! - Corey

i like the feel of the UI, very old school. I might in future games better label the buttons in the UI. It's not clear what the ship icon does, for example. But overall well done!

awesome music, the intro text cracked me up. when the music changed as i released the goo I got so stressed LOL nice work there. i was 100% sure how to cast a spell, i'm not sure there was clear instructions on that. i like the protagonist and the creepy vibe of the game. nice work!

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this is a really good time. it's a simple concept but you executed it really well. i like the level, the controls are fun to whip around... and now I want rainbow butter. well done! One thought would be to create shorter levels at the start so there is a little more sense of progression. The level is really large and after playing for a while I was still a ways off from completing it.

I really liked the cinematics! I think the map and vibe are cool! The movement was a little slow and it took me a few tries to actually attach to someone at the start. But once I got going it was fun to try to brain slug my way through the level :P

Great flavor text at the beginning, the character model is REALLY cool. You did a great job adding in a lot of effects and features. I think you could perhaps change that high pitched sound effect to make the game more comfortable to play. But I really liked the look and feel, nice job!

Nice work! I liked the challenge of cutting off the trees from spreading. I'm not sure why but I got down to 4% without any purple trees left. Maybe I just couldn't see one. Either way it was fun to run around and set things on fire. :P