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First, the self-doubt is for real! I cannot emphasize enough how even running this Jam was an exercise in imposter syndrome. Everything I've put out has seen me cycle through delusions of grandeur, crushing self-loathing, rageful defiance, and defeated resignation. That's basically my editing process, too. So, just know everything from me that I try to describe as "meh, I made this, whatever" is the result of an emotional everythingness, but the self-doubt is primary.

Second, you can make a page for your project and submit it to this jam so it will forever be here, and you can even change the title and url of the page later when your title changes. If you look at my page for COSR, you'll see I've been posting Devlogs the whole time. The page has been getting views, getting added to lists, and even getting people to follow me on this platform. It didn't have any files to download until today. I'd recommend making one for your project and using it like a single-purpose blog (if you want to) so people can follow along with your progress.

I'll be giving feedback on JAMuary submissions into next month, and maybe beyond. Today is only the deadline to get your page submitted, not the deadline for your finished product.

Either way, I'm following you and I hope to see how your work progresses!

I would love to, but I’m nearly at 10000 words, and some of it is pretty fucking raw. Seriously I averaged over two hundred words a day this month, a personal best with my ADHD. I will share my setting pitch though. 

A rogue planet in the dark between stars, covered in strange xenofungal jungles and the apocalyptic ruins of an alien civilisation. What we find there in the dark might unlock a new destiny for humanity, if we don’t destroy ourselves first. 

It’s hard Sci-Fi setting with a spell casting mechanism, but there’s no actual “spells” per se.  I’m still working on it.

Maybe someone can suggest a title?

(1 edit)

Hey, just wanted to reach out and say that you should just post it. Your raw dump of content is someone else’s afternoon of reading.

Your concept sounds awesome, so don’t get too in your own head. The nice thing about itch is you can just incrementally improve and update. But if its not out there in the first place, the only one who sees that progress is you. And, from the sounds of it, you’re your own biggest critic.

EDIT: Also, followed!