I put a bit more than an hour into this game. Art and sound design on point, nice animations setup, I'm jealous for my own game! The combat system seems interesting, Haven't seen a lot of CTB battle systems so no strong opinion either way. Was curious to experiment with it more, but there wasn't enough combat early on to really judge..
I agree with the other comment about the opening cutscene tho. I liked the story it presented. But even though it's action packed and flashy, it still just FEELS long, since It's not very interactive and doesn't try to teach you any gameplay. By the time the player can press buttons, It's with a different cast of characters, in a different setting, in a different time period.
The cutscene sold me on "Wizard Mom fights Big Castle Government". You got me, I'm interested in that story now! I connected to THOSE characters, Wizard Mom, her snarky pursuers and the world you displayed there...
But the transition to the intended setting (the wizard school) totally lost me and according to the description on the page, that's what the game is actually about. With a bit more than an hour, I care way more about the story in the cutscene than I do anybody/thing I met in the school area. Slice of life school anime are not really my cup of tea. But Wizard battles certainly are. A dilemma of personal taste, perhaps.
Hopefully the story threads together later on, but that's all the time/energy I had for now!