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(3 edits) (+2)

Nice job, I like the idea of mixing Doom with stealth.  I really enjoy the graphics. Nice lighting, good sprites, and the audio is nice too. I found a couple things I think you could address to improve it even more.

- Kenneth already mentioned the spinning boxes in the first stage. I couldn't tell what was happening when I hopped on em, it just kept turning me around every time I tried to step forward.
- There was a gate that asked for a keycard in I think the second level, but I just hopped over it?
- The first time I got on the elevator, I didn't realize what it was, so I ended up getting off and it left without me and didn't come back down. Maybe have a button you press to call/raise the elevator? It could also be quicker.
- The guards / zombies were way too weak. When you keep picking up armor, it's near impossible to die, and even when they were pressing against me, they only occasionally did damage. Their AI could probably be improved a bit too, because they tended to ignore me or lose interest even if they saw me.
- I couldn't see the bullets the enemies were shooting at first so I was confused as to how I was taking damage. Maybe make them a bright red, orange or yellow so they stand out against the darkness?
- The area where it goes grayscale confused me. Was something happening?

Another thought I had was right now, I personally find that there's a bit of a disconnect between the stealth and the "Kill em all" messages. Maybe push the stealth a bit more and make the enemies way more dangerous, so that if you're noticed, it gets really frantic and scary so you're encouraged to avoid combat? Right now there isn't really an incentive to avoid enemies.

Overall great job! The level design is really cool and I hope you keep working on it. I'd love to see what you could do with it with even more time.

(2 edits) (+2)

Hi ChritBoy,

Thanks very much for your detailed feedback.

I'm enjoying receiving solid feedback!

It's nice to have a project deployed that I can get feedback on from other developers/players.

I've started working back through my notes (part of the post-mortem prep)  and I am breaking down comments and feedback into issues to action on Git. I have a solid list to work through!

The Boxes Bug

This bug is a pretty funny unintended consequence of how sprites are being handled for some objects.

Some sprites use an 8-direction flipbook and calculate/change the displayed flipbook based on some maths logic.
Some decorative items pickups use a 1-directional Sprite.

For the 1d Sprites, they apply rotation/transformation based on the player's location in the world.

I think what happens when the player is on top of the box, is the calculation is constantly trying to "face the player" - but because the player is being influenced by the rotation of the box - the "face to player" logic is never able to complete.

This leads to the player and the box doing a little dance until Unreal has a mini panic attack and flings the player flying!

I'll be sure to dig into this in more detail and find a better way to handle my box logic!

Gate & Player Choice:

For the level design, I ended up sprinting to the finish line in a hot sweat of crunch and making levels 2-13 in about 2 hours.

I miscalculated how long it would take to put together a Linux build and tasks that I had scoped for taking 1-2 hours sometimes spiralled into 4-5 hour slogs.

This means I ended up having to strip out and hack together levels in a mad dash. The "gates" and "keycard" systems were available for my level design passes and I had many great ideas in mind for them.

I even have meshes and art pieces for air vents, explosive barrels, explosive mines and all sorts of gadgetry and stuff I was planning to put into the level designs.

I was working on the assumption that I'd have time to implement a lot more than made it into the release build.

So I ended up slapping down gates and keycards but was worried due to not having time to playtest.

Funny Fact: I playtested the final loop/levels the day after publishing!

I was aware that the keycards might not work and the players could not progress.

So I deliberately left an alternative path there in case the game was more broken than I realised!

When I update my level kits,  add missing features and start designing these levels with the time they require;

I hope I can integrate alternate player paths and "multiple solutions" to a problem. Similar to how games like THIEF & DEUS EX often allow you to complete puzzles, find an alternate path or kill guards.

Giving the player more choice is my goal!

I also want to build out and add some systems to support player choice/agency between "kill the zombies" and "no-kill" runs.

Elevators, Buttons & Interactions:

The elevator is a time-bound hacky solution that I'm thankful works at all!

It's a rotated/scaled door with a long float curve controller/timeline.

Again, that pesky overscope and feature creep rears its head!

Naively, I thought I would have time to add interactions, buttons, switches and proper level sequences and that's where I aim to move in future builds.

I also dislike the transition between levels and it's a byproduct of choosing to closely recreate the first level around the MGS Cargo Elevator scene. I wanted to have "smaller elevators" and "emergency staircases" that you also see in MGS.

With the intent of using "small lifts" for all levels other than the opener - the opening cargo lift was left as a long shot to "set the tone" but it's also where I hoped to add in some bespoke cinematics (again, ran out of time!)

Zombies, difficulty, missing bullets and general pacing issues:

Solid feedback. Exactly the sort of stuff you tend to miss after replaying it over and over again!

I scaled back damage and increased player health because I wasn't sure if the zombies were going to mop the floor with people who hadn't spent the month splattering zombie's brains!

I had no idea how other players would "play the game" for the first time. I had no tutorial texts or anything until the last few hours before submission.

I wasn't sure if anybody would even download the game, and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't an exercise in frustration for anybody who gave me some of their time.

There's nothing worse than a progress-stopping bug or a game that's so hard you don't have any fun!

I have clearly swung too far the other way - and I'll take your feedback to heart and try to get a better balance!

For missing bullets, the enemies use either a projectile-based system (that uses a sprite or 3dmesh)  or a direct line trace.
I know some enemies are not firing projectiles (bullets) at all and I need to better telegraph their attack patterns.

I think better "juice", "microinteractions" and "player feedbacks" are something I need to spend a lot more time on.

Syncing animations, and sprites and communicating things clearly to the player are crucial for a satisfying and fair combat system.

I fell short with this build - but I have some exciting ideas in mind for how I can make things more fun!

Your feedback really helps give me some direct stuff to tackle first and is very helpful.

AI & How I hope to improve:

I will be reworking the AI as I want to add some more emergent systems and behaviours. Focusing on consistency and communicating what/when/why an AI is doing something is a key concern for me.

AI Behaviour Trees and some of the maths/logic behind how AI works is a bit over my head - but I'm taking some courses that help me address these issues. I hope I can implement some of the grander AI Plans I have moving forward!

The "Greyscale" Area:

There was a planned sequence / "jump scare" I had in mind but I accidentally deleted the overlap trigger and borked the whole thing. 
The post-processing/greyscale was planned to kick in just before some eerie music and then a "scripted sequence" or "sudden reveal".

I hope I can learn more about using Unreal's cinematic sequencer and level blueprints to elevate those traditional jump scares/elements of horror.

Overall Feedback on Stealth/Kill Em All:

The game is suffering from a bit of an identity crisis at the moment!

I was trying to make a doom-inspired retro shooter with elements of tactical combat from classic Rainbow Six - cinematic elements from metal gear, stealth and evasion from Thief and Splinter Cell and systematic designs and reactivity from games like Deus Ex.

I grossly overshot!

I was using this project as testing bedrock for some non-horror-inspired retroShooter and tacticalShooter projects.

I plan to add and refine it a little with the proposed updates but my main focus now is on pivoting towards some of my loftier goals for a more complex offering.

For the next few days/weeks, I plan to rescope the project, clarify the identity and purpose of this game add any missing features and polish it to hell before moving on to the next game.

The idea is to then transfer the core from that project into a more tightly focused game that strips back horror and changes gears a bit.

I have a lot of ideas for how to improve and shape the project but I also don't want to be tied down to a "horror" theme long term.


I love feedback, keep it coming.
I am new to scoping and managing projects of this scale and grossly overshot.
I like having actionable steps to help me improve the project.


I found Kenny's blog post on how to be a nice programmer an insightful read:

It has made me wonder how I come across in text though, often very hard to gauge!

I hope I don't come across as defensive and unwilling to listen to feedback. I am really passionate about game dev and learning and I often have lots of thoughts racing around at once.

I find writing is one of the most effective ways to help me work through problems/solutions.

I need to get better at writing shorter more concise posts!


Nice, sounds like you have a really good idea of how you want to refine everything! You don't come across as defensive at all, just like you're taking feedback seriously, which is awesome. I totally get the time crunch, I couldn't even come up with the proper ending for my project like I wanted to and had to just slap on a text block at the end.

Glad to hear you plan to keep working on it, I'll happily play and provide feedback as you go as long as you want it =)

(1 edit) (+2)

I look forward to testing out your game as well.

I had two main goals for this project:

1. Release something (finally!)
2. Network a bit

I am actively trying to break out of the cycle of "solo dev" that "has no feedback" whilst building out a presence on socials laying down some solid foundations for a proper portfolio of game-related projects.

I'm glad to be making connections and I look forward to following your work as well!


Sounds like a great plan! Do you have your eye on any other jams? I'm entering the Dungeon Crawl jam with a friend toward the end of march (their first time).


I have a couple of other things cooking for potential jam entries.

I have one eye on this jam:

Need to dig into the rules, but If I am allowed to work with what I already have to build something new then I may enter that with a small project.

It would be much less devTime than "SMILE" as I am using Smile to build out a reusable library to move between projects as I go.

I am also looking at:

The reasoning for focusing on "horror" for now is that I think you can get away with a lot of janks and it's quite a popular genre and a bit easier to approach than others.

I also feel like I have a lot of relevant research and planning I can apply (notes on mechanics, mood boards, film research, etc)

However, I am also working on a deliberately "anti-horror" project in the background for a bit of a laugh/break and palette cleanser between serious dev sessions.

If you are interested in maybe teaming up for one of those jams or need some input/a team member for your jam at the end of the month let me know.

I can't commit to anything immediately but If you are interested I am sure we can find a jam that suits us both in future.