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Admin (5 edits)

Everyone is subject to the same review process, and the same minimum timeline with regards to every payout. In some cases, we may delay payout beyond the estimated time if additional review is necessary. In our system we don’t see any amount sent as a “mere XXX payout,” we apply the same process to everyone. Unfortunately we frequently have to deal with fraud, as we offer a free service for anyone to create an account and start selling at any time. By having a consistent review process for every account we can set a clear expectation to deter those that may try to cheat the system. Demanding to be paid sooner will never cause our team to pay you sooner, and it may in fact trigger additional review for your payouts. I hope you understand.

If there is some particular issue (relating to my account) that I can assist you with then I would be glad to help.

As I mentioned in the post you’re replying to, account specific issues must be handled through support. This is also mentioned in the rules of this community. A quick look at your account shows that your tax information is invalid and you are currently not eligible for payout. I recommend contacting support to assist you.

Thanks for your patience